Wellbore Logging Services

Hydrologic conditions vary as a function of depth in wells. DRI has developed several wellbore logging tools that can be used to identify zones where water may be flowing into or out of wells, and to measure vertical flow within wells.

Using an extensive number of tools, DRI’s wellbore logging services have a large scale depth capacity. We also offer video logging services to survey and identify verious subterranean geologic conditions down to 2,500 feet. In addition, well water quality sampling techniques have been developed to collect representative chemical and isotopic fluid samples from depths of up to 1,300 feet.

Depth Logging
DRI has logging depth capability of approximately 4,000 feet, on a 4-conductor wire line and 6,500 feet on 7-conductor wire line. The following logging tools are available:

  • Fullbore Spinner Tool: propeller blades collapse for entry into small access tubing, then opens to full borehole diameter to measure fluid velocity from 10 to 200 feet/minute.
  • Chemtool: measures temperature, EC (electrical conductivity), pH, and specific ion; used to identify hydrophysical/chemical variability in wells; 4-inch OD tool.
  • Thermal Flowmeter: measures vertical flow in wells; flow measurement range 0.8 L/min to 54 L/min; 1.5-inch and 2.5-inch OD tools.
    Discrete Fluid Sampler: used to collect fluid samples from discrete depth; 1 7/16-inch OD barrel = 1 L; 2-inch OD barrel = 2 L; 3-inch OD barrel = 5 L; 6-inch OD barrel = 25 L.
  • Temperature/EC Tool: used to measure fluid temperature and electrical conductivity; 2-inch OD tool.
    Temperature Tool: used to measure fluid temperature; 1 7/16-inch OD tool.
  • Natural Gamma: used to measure natural gamma ray activity emitted by the geologic formations penetrated by the well; 2-inch OD tool.

Video Logging
Wellbore video logs can be used to survey cased and uncased wells. They can also be used to identify geologic fractures in wells drilled in bedrock, survey casing integrity, and inspect well screen conditions.

DRI’s video logging depth capability is approximately 2,500 feet. Two color video cameras are available: a 4-inch-diameter camera, requiring a 5-inch-diameter well, and a 3-inch-diameter camera, requiring a 4-inch-diameter well. The 4-inch camera may be equipped with a wide-angle lens that views downward. The 3-inch camera may be equipped with either the wide-angle or a telephoto lens and side-looking, light-head that views perpendicular to the camera body. This side-looking option is useful in identifying details along the walls of a well.

Well Water Quality Sampling (Bennett Pump)
Water quality sampling techniques have been developed by DRI to collect representative chemical and isotopic fluid samples from wells. Many water resources studies require that fluid samples be collected from wells. Wells not equipped with pumps require that a pump be installed, or that a bailed sample be collected. In some cases, a bailed sample is sufficient for preliminary chemical analyses; in other cases, a pumped sample is required.

DRI has a Bennett positive displacement sampling pump, with a depth capability of 1,300 feet and minimum wellbore diameter of 2 inches. The pump is powered by a trailer-mounted air compressor and tubing reel, and capable of pumping approximately 0.5 GPM from 1,300 feet deep.

Brad Lyles
Wellbore Logging Services
Hydrologic Sciences