Welcome to the DRI Libraries
The libraries are research libraries whose collections and services are developed and maintained for the support of the DRI scientific community. The libraries are open to other scholars.
The libraries are members of the Nevada System of Higher Education.
Mission Statement: The Desert Research Institute (DRI) Libraries provide quality information products and services that support research and teaching needs. The libraries acquire, organize, manage and deliver a variety of information resources and systems. The libraries are developed and maintained for the support of the DRI scientists and engineers. They are open to other scholars, both physically and electronically.
Research Support:Â The DRI Library team supports research requests from DRI Faculty & Staff.
24/7:Â The libraries are available to Faculty & Staff, 24 hours a day, seven days a week with your ID.
Copier/Scanner:Â A copier/scanner is available in the Patrick Squires Library (Reno).
Copyright:Â To learn more about copyright, visit the link, Library of Congress U.S. Copyright Office.
DRI Reports: Â The DRI Reports are available in the Sulo & Aileen Maki Research Library (Las Vegas).
Electronic Resources Presentation: The DRI Libraries provides the Faculty & Staff with a variety of electronic resources. If you are interested in scheduling an individual or group training session, please contact John.Ford@www-dev.dri.edu
Electronic Resources: All the electronic resources for Faculty & Staff are available on our Intranet including the link to www.reportlinker.com, re: Market Research Reports.
Institutional Project Assignments (IPA’s): IPA’s are available in print in the libraries.
Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery: If the document you are requesting is not available in the DRI/university libraries, we will try and obtain the document for you through interlibrary loan or document delivery services. Please contact library@www-dev.dri.edu for more information.
ISBN: If you have written a book, we will create an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) for you, please complete this form (PDF).
Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes (FSMM): FSMM’s are available in print in the libraries.
Library Cards: If you would like a DRI Library card, please submit a Library Card Registration Form. (PDF) to the library staff.
Meeting Space:Â The libraries are available for meetings anytime.
Sabbatical Leave Reports (SLR’s): SLR’s are available in print in the libraries.
Classification Schedule: The Library of Congress Classification Schedule is available to assist in locating documents on the shelves, the link to the schedule is:Â http://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/lcco/
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Z |
- Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
Reno Print: v.3-26 (1986-11/2009)
- Advances in Water Resources
Reno Electronic: Current Year + Last Four Years
Las Vegas Print: v.25-33 (2002-02/2010)
Las Vegas Electronic: Current Year + Last Four Years
- Aerosol and Air Quality Research
Reno Electronic: v.1-9 (2001-2009)
Las Vegas Electronic: v.1 (2001)-present
- Aerosol Science and Technology
Reno Print: v.1-43 (1982-2009)
Reno Electronic: v.1-v. 47, issue 3 (1981-2013)
Las Vegas Electronic: v.1-v. 47, issue 3 (1981-2013)
- Agronomy Journal
Las Vegas Print: v.97-102 (2005-02/2010)
- Air Pollution Control Association Journal
Reno Print: v.5-39 (1955-1989)
- Air Repair
Reno Print: v.1-4 (1951-1955)
- American Anthropologist
Las Vegas Print: v.78-90 (1976-1988)
- American Antiquity
Las Vegas Print: v.41-61 (1976-1996)
- American Mineralogist
Las Vegas Print: v.60-75 (1975-1990)
- Analytical Chemistry
Reno Print: v.58-82 (1986-01/2010)
Reno Electronic: v.68 (1996)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.68 (1996)-present
- Annals of Glaciology
Reno Print: v.48 (2008)-present
Reno Electronic: v.48 (2008)-present
- Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics
Reno Print: v.33-40 (2002-2009)
- Antarctic Bibliography
Reno Print: v.1-13 (1965-1984)
- Antarctic Journal
Reno Print: v.22, 24-28 (1989-1993)
- Antarctic Record
Reno Print: v.36-44 (1992-2000)
- Antarctic Science
Reno Print: v.5-21 (1993-2009)
- Applied Hydrogeology
Las Vegas Print: v.1-2 (1992-1994)
- Aquatic Microbial Ecology
Reno Print: v.14-61 (1998-2010)
Reno Electronic: v.9 (1995)-present
- Archiv Fur Meteorologie
Reno Print: v.1-34 (1948-1985)
- Arctic and Alpine Research
Reno Print: v.1-30 (1969-1998)
- Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research
Reno Print: v.31-42 (1999-2010)
Reno Electronic: v.35 (2003)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.35 (2003)-present
- Atmosfera
Reno Print: v.14 (2001)-v.19(2006)
- Atmosphere Ocean
Reno Print: v.12-47 (1974-2009)
- Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics
Reno Print: v.1-35 (1965-1999)
- Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Reno Electronic: v.1 (2001)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.1 (2001)-present
- Atmospheric Environment
Reno Print: v.1-44 (1967-2010)
Reno Electronic: Current Year + Last Four Years
Las Vegas Electronic: Current Year + Last Four Years
- Atmospheric Research
Reno Print: v.20-45 (1986-2011), formerly Bulletin de l’Observatoire du puy de Dome (1953-1962) & Journal de Recherches Atmospheriques (1963-1985)
Reno Electronic: v.65 (2003)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.65 (2003)-present
- Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal
Reno Print: v.14 (1966)-v.58(2009)
Reno Electronic: v.49 (2000)-v.58(2009)
Las Vegas Electronic: v.49 (2000)-v.58(2009)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Z |
- Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining
Reno Electronic: v.1 (2007)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.1 (2007)-present
- Biogeochemistry
Reno Print: v.9-96 (1990-2009)
- Biology and Fertility of Soils
Reno Print: v.8-45 (1989-2009)
- Boundary-Layer Meteorology
Reno Print: v.1-133 (1970-2009)
- Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
Reno Print: v.3 (1922)-present
Reno Electronic: v.1 (1970)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.1 (1970)-present
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Z |
- Chemical Geology
Las Vegas Print: v.47-125 (1984-1995)
- Clay Minerals
Las Vegas Print: v.33-44 (1998-2009)
- Climate Dynamics
Reno Print: v.1-33 (1986-2009)
Reno Electronic: v. 28 (1997)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v. 28 (1997)-present
- Climate of the Past
Reno Electronic: v.1(2005)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.1(2005)-present
- Climatic Change
Reno Print: v.1-97 (1977-2009)
Reno Electronic: v. 35 (1997)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v. 35 (1997)-present
- Climatological Data
Las Vegas Print: v.93 (1976)-present
- Cold Regions Science & Technology
Reno Print: v.1-60 (1979-04/2010)
- Contributions to Atmospheric Physics
Reno Print: v.44-72 (1971-1999)
- Crop Science
Las Vegas Print: v. 45-50 (2005-02/2010)
- Cryobiology
Reno Print: v.1-60 (1964-02/2010)
- Current Advances in Ecological and Environmental Sciences
Reno Print: v.25-28 (1999-2002)
- Current Research in the Pleistocene
Reno Print: v.1-28 (1984-2011)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Z |
- Diesel Fuel Oils
Reno Print: 1969-2001
- Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans
Reno Print: v.10-49 (1986-01/2010)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Z |
- Earth (formerly Geotimes)
Reno Print: v.19-54 (1974-2009)
- Earth’s Future
Reno Electronic: v. 1 (2013)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v. 1 (2013)-present
- Eastern Snow Conference: Proceedings
Reno Print: 1952, 1956-57, 1991, 1998, 2000-2004, 2005-present
- Ecohydrology
Reno Electronic: v. 1 (2008)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v. 1 (2008)-present
- EM (formerly Environmental Manager)
Reno Print: v.1 (1995)-present
Reno Electronic: 2000-present
- Energy
Reno Print: v.1-35 (1976-02/10)
- Environmental Microbiology
Reno Print: v.4-12 (2002-01/2010)
- Environmental Modelling & Software
Reno Print: v.13-25 (1998-04/2010)
- Environmental Monitoring & Assessment
Reno Print: v.1-159 (1981-2009)
Las Vegas Print: v.1-65 (1981-2000)
- Environmental Science & Technology
Reno Print: v.1-44 (1967-02/2010)
Reno Electronic: 1996-present
Las Vegas Electronic: 1996-present
- Environmental Software
Reno Print: v.2-11 (1987-1996)
- Environmental Technology
Reno Print: v.15, 17-19 (1994, 1996-1998)
- Environmetrics
Las Vegas Print: v.1-9 (1990-1998)
- Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union
Reno Electronic: v. 50-77 (1969-1996)
Las Vegas Electronic: v. 50-77 (1969-1996)
- Erosion Control
Reno Print: v.9-17 (2002-05/2010)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Z |
- Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis
Reno Print: v. 1-9 (1998-2006)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Z |
- GBC (Global Biogeochemical Cycles)
Reno Electronic: v. 1 (1987)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v. 1 (1987)-present
- Geoarchaeology
Las Vegas Print: v.8-11 (1993-1996)
- Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (GGG)
Reno Electronic: v. 1 (2000)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v. 1 (2000)-present
- Geochimica et Cosmochimica
Las Vegas Print: v.40-57 (1976-1993)
- Geographic Information (GeoInfo) Systems
Las Vegas Print: v.3-10 (1993-2000)
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS) World
Las Vegas Print: v. 4-5 (1990-1995)
- Geomicrobiology Journal
Las Vegas Print: v.9-11 (1991-1993)
- Geophysical Magazine
Reno Print: v.1-4 (1995-2001)
- Geophysical Research Letters
Reno Print: v. 25-37 (1998-01/2010)
Reno Electronic: v. 1 (1974)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v. 1 (1974)-present
- Geospatial Solutions
Las Vegas Print: v.10 (2000)-v.15 (2005)
- Glaciological Data
Reno Print: v.3-26 (1978-1993)
- Global and Planetary Change
Reno Print: v.1-70 (1989-02/2010)
- Global Change Biology
Reno Print: v.2-16 (1996-02/2010)
- Global Information Systems (GIS) World
Las Vegas Print: v.4-5 (1991-1992)
- Global Positioning System World (GPS)
Las Vegas Print: v.1-5 (1990-1995)
- Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology
Reno Electronic: v. 1 (2011)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v. 1 (2011)-present
- Ground Water Monitoring Review
Reno Print: v.1-8 (1981-1988)
Las Vegas Print: v.2-13 (1982-1993)
- Groundwater (formerly Ground Water)
Reno Electronic: v.35 (1997)-present
Las Vegas Print: v.5-47 (1976-2009)
Las Vegas Electronic: v.35 (1997)-present
- Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation (formerly Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation)
Reno Print: v.9-30 (1989-2010)
Reno Electronic: v.17 (1997)-present
Las Vegas Print: v.15-19 (1995-1999)
Las Vegas Electronic: v.17 (1997)-present
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Z |
- Historical Archaeology
Las Vegas Print: v.26-43 (1992-2009)
- Hydro Review
Reno Print: v.3-29 (1984-01/2010)
- Hydrogeology Journal
Reno Electronic: v.5 (1997)-present
Las Vegas Print: v.3-17 (1995-2009)
Las Vegas Electronic: v.5 (1997)-present
- Hydrological Processes
Reno Electronic: v.10(1996)-present
Las Vegas Print: v.16-24 (2002-02/2010)
Las Vegas Electronic: v.10(1996)-present
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Z |
- Icarus
Reno Print: v.1-205 (1962-02/2010)
- Ice
Reno Print: v.1-145 (1958-2007)
- Inhalation Toxicology
Reno Print: v.8-21 (1996-2009)
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions on Geoscience & Remote Sensing
Las Vegas Print: v.31-37 (1993-1999)
- International Forest Fire News
Reno Print: v.15-34 (1996-2006)
- International Journal of Biometeorology
Reno Print: v.5-39 (1961-1995)
- International Journal of Climatology
Reno Print: v.9-30 (1989-02/2010)
- International Journal of Remote Sensing
Las Vegas Print: v.13-19 (1992-1998)
- Isotope Geoscience
Las Vegas Print: v.3-14 (1985-1992)
- Issues in Science and Technology
Reno Print: v.4-17 (1987-2001)
- Izvestiya: Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics
Reno Print: v.36-47 (2000-2011)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Z |
- Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE Data Reports)
Reno Print: v.28-211 (1975-1996)
- Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
Reno Electronic: v. 1 (2009)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v. 1 (2009)-present
- Journal of Aerosol Science
Reno Print: v.1-41 (1970-02/2010)
- Journal of Anthropological Archaeology
Las Vegas Print: v.4-29 (1985-03/2010)
- Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology
Reno Print: v.1-48 (1962-2009)
Reno Electronic: v.1 (1962)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.1 (1962)-present
- Journal of Archaeological Science
Las Vegas Print: v.19-37 (1992-02/2010)
- Journal of Arid Environments
Reno Print: v.8-74 (1985-02/2010)
Reno Electronic: v.53 (2003)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.53 (2003)-present
- Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
Reno Print: v.1-26 (1984-2009)
Reno Electronic: v.1 (1984)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.1 (1984)-present
- Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
Reno Print: v.59-72 (1997-02/2010)
- Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics
Reno Print: v.1-58 (1950-96)
- Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry
Reno Print: v.1-64 (1983-2009)
Reno Electronic: v.26 (1997)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v. 26 (1997)-present
- Journal of California & Great Basin Anthropology
Reno Print: v.1-13 (1979-1991)
Las Vegas Print: v.11-30 (1989-2010)
- Journal of Climate
Reno Print: v.1-22 (1988-2009)
Reno Electronic: v.1 (1988)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.1 (1988)-present
- Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology
Reno Print: v.22-26 (1983-87)
- Journal of Climatology
Reno Print: v.1-7 (1981-87)
- Journal of Crystal Growth
Reno Print: v.1-234 (1967-2002)
- Journal of Environmental Management
Reno Print: v.31-46 (1990-1996)
- Journal of Environmental Quality
Reno Electronic: v.34 (2005)-present
Las Vegas Print: v.34-39 (2005-02/2010)
Las Vegas Electronic: v.34 (2005)-present
- Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A-Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering
Reno Print: v.40-46 (2005-2011)
- Journal of Exposure Analysis & Environmental Epidemiology
Reno Print: v.6-11 (1996-2001)
- Journal of Field Archaeology
Las Vegas Print: v.12-34 (1985-2009)
- Journal of Geophysical Research
Reno Print: v.64-88 (1959-83)
- Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres
Reno Print: v.89 (1984)-v.115 (11/2010)
Reno Electronic: v.1 (1896)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.1 (1896)-present
- Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences
Reno Electronic: v. 110 (2005)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v. 110 (2005)-present
- Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface
Reno Print: v.113-114 (2008-2009)
Reno Electronic: v.1 (1896)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.1 (1896)-present
- Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans
Reno Print: v.89 (1984)-v.115 (10/2010)
- Journal of Geophysical Research – Planets
Reno Electronic: v. 1- (1896-24 months ago)
Las Vegas Electronic: v. 1- (1896-24 months ago)
- Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth
Reno Electronic: v. 1- (1896-24 months ago)
Las Vegas Electronic: v. 1- (1896-24 months ago)
- Journal of Geophysical Research – Space Physics
Reno Electronic: v. 1- (1896-24 months ago)
Las Vegas Electronic: v. 1- (1896-24 months ago)
- Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences
Las Vegas Electronic: v. 119 (2014)-present
- Journal of Glaciology
Reno Print: v.1, (1947)-present
Reno Electronic: v.46, n.182 (2000)-present
- Journal of Hydrology
Reno Print: v.1-417 (1963-2011)
Reno Electronic: v.270 (2003)-present
Las Vegas Print: v.1-213 (1963-1998)
Las Vegas Electronic: v.270 (2003)-present
- Journal of Hydrometeorology
Reno Print: v.1-10 (2000-2009)
Reno Electronic: v.1 (2000)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.1 (2000)-present
- Journal of Meteorology
Reno Print: v.1-18 (1944-1961)
- Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education
Las Vegas Print: v.34-38 (2005-2009)
- Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (formerly American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, AIHAJ)
Reno Print: 1st Series: (American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal) v.28-64 (1967-2003) 2nd Series: (Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene) v.1-3 (2004-2006)
- Journal of Paleolimnology
Reno Print: v.27-42 (2002-2009)
- Journal of Physical Oceanography
Reno Print: v.1-39 (1971-2009)
Reno Electronic: v.1 (1971)-v.44 (2014)
Las Vegas Electronic: v.1 (1971)-v.44 (2014)
- Journal of Plankton Research
Reno Print: v.24-31 (2002-2009)
- Journal of Quaternary Science
Reno Print: v.10-25 (1995-02/2010)
- Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science (formerly Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal)
Reno Electronic: v.59(2010)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.59(2010)-present
- Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association
Reno Print: v.40 (1990)-present
Reno Electronic: v.47 (1997)-present
- Journal of the American Water Resources Association
Reno Print: v.1-46 (1965-02/2010)
Reno Electronic: v.33 (1997)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.33 (1997)-present
- Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
Reno Print: v.19-66 (1962-2009)
Reno Electronic: v.1 (1944)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.1 (1944)-present
- Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan
Reno Print: v.46 (1968)-present
Reno Electronic: v.1 (1882)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.1 (1882)-present
- Journal of Weather Modification
Reno Print: v.1 (1969)-present
Reno Electronic: v.11 (1979)-present
- Journal of Wind Energy
Reno Electronic: v.2013 (2013)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.2013 (2013)-present
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Z |
- Land and Water
Reno Print: v. 45-54 (2001-2010) & v. 56 (Jan-Feb 2012)
- Limnology and Oceanography
Reno Print: v.1-55 (1956-01/2010)
Reno Electronic: v.1 (1956)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.1 (1956)-present
- Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin
Reno Electronic: v.1 (1990)-present
- Limnology and Oceanography: Methods
Reno Electronic: v.1 (2003)-present
- Local Climatological Data
Las Vegas Print: 1976-present
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Z |
- Marine Observer
Reno Print: v.36-73 (1966-2003)
- MasterKey
Las Vegas Print: v.3-29 (1927-1955)
- MasterKey for Indian Lore and History
Las Vegas Print: v.30-35 (1956-1983)
- Mathematical Geology
Las Vegas Print: v.17-28 (1985-1996)
- Meteorological & Geoastrophysical Abstracts
Reno Print: v.1-39 (1950-1988)
- Meteorological Applications
Reno Print: v.1-16 (1994-2009)
- Meteorological Magazine
Reno Print: v.95-122 (1966-1993)
- Meteorologische Rundschau
Reno Print: v.21-44 (1968-1991)
- Meteorologische Zeitschrift
Reno Print: v.9 (2000)-present
Reno Electronic: v.10 (2001)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.10 (2001)-present
- Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
Reno Print: v.35-106 (1986-2010)
- Monthly Weather Review
Reno Print: v.17-137 (1889-2009)
Reno Electronic: v.1 (1873)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.1 (1873)-present
- Motor Gasolines
Reno Print: 1960-2001
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Z |
- National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Technical Note
Reno Print: v.1-394 (1966-1993)
- National Weather Digest
Reno Print: v.21-34 (1996-2010)
- Natural Hazards Review
Reno Print: v.1-10 (2000-02/2009)
- Nature
Reno Print: v.209 (1966)-present
Reno Electronic: v.385 (1997)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.385 (1997)-present
- Nature Climate Change
Reno Electronic: v.6 (2007)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.6 (2007)-present
- Nature Communications
Reno Electronic: (2010)-present. Some of the journal articles are “open access.”
Las Vegas Electronic: (2010)-present. Some of the journal articles are “open access.”
- Nature Geoscience
Reno Electronic: v.1 (2011)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.1 (2011)-present
- Nevada Archaeologist
Las Vegas Print: v.1-9 (1972-1991)
- Nevada Climate Summary
Reno Print: v.12 (1995)-present
- Nevada Historical Society Quarterly
Las Vegas Print: v.35-52 (1992-2009)
- New Scientist
Reno Print: v.33-205 (1967-03/2010)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Z |
Reno Electronic: v. 1 (2000)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v. 1 (2000)-present
- Oil and Gas Journal
Las Vegas Print: v.82-95 (1984-1997) & v.106.10-108.22 (2008-06/2010)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Z |
- Paleoceanography
Reno Electronic: v. 1- (1986-24 months ago)
Las Vegas Electronic: v.1- (1986-24 months ago)
- Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics
Reno Print: v.12-60 (1961-2009)
- Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing
Las Vegas Print: v.52-61 (1986-1995)
- Polar Record
Reno Print: v.1-45 (1931-10/2009)
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Reno Electronic: v.1 (1915)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.1 (1915)-present
- Pure and Applied Geophysics
Reno Print: v.45 (1960)- v.166 (2009)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Z |
- Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
Reno Print: v.58-135 (1932-10/2009)
Reno Electronic: v.128 (2002)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.128 (2002)-present
- Quaternary International
Reno Print: v.10-212 (1991-01/2010)
Reno Electronic: v.99 (2003)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.99 (2003)-present
- Quaternary Research
Reno Print: v.17-73 (1982-01/2010)
Reno Electronic: v.59 (2003)-present
Las Vegas Print: v.39-71 (1993-01/2009)
Las Vegas Electronic: v.59 (2003)-present
- Quaternary Science Reviews
Reno Print: v.9-29 (1990-02/2010)
Reno Electronic: v.22 (2003)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.22 (2003)-present
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Z |
- Radiation Measurements
Reno Print: v.26-45 (1996-02/2010)
- Radio Science
Reno Electronic: v. 4- (1969-24 months ago)
Las Vegas Electronic: v. 4- (1969-24 months ago)
- Radiocarbon
Las Vegas Print: v.22-37 (1980-1995)
- Remote Sensing of Environment
Reno Print: v.1-114 (1969-04/2010)
Las Vegas Print: v.39-47 (1992-1994)
- Review of Palaeobotany & Palynology
Reno Print: v.53-158 (1987-01/2010)
- Reviews of Geophysics
Reno Electronic: v. 1- (1963-24 months ago)
Las Vegas Electronic: v. 1- (1963-24 months ago)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Z |
- Science
Reno Print: v.147 (1965)-present
Reno Electronic: v.275 (1997)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.275 (1997)-present
- Science News
Reno Electronic: v. 151 (1997)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v. 151 (1997)-present
- Science of the Total Environment
Reno Print: v.38-409 (1984-11/2011) & v.414 (01/2012)
Reno Electronic: v.301 (2003)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.301 (2003)-present
- Sciences
Reno Print: v.8-41 (1968-2001)
- Scientific American
Reno Print: v.272 (1995)-present
Las Vegas Print: v.180-248 (1949-1983)
- Society for Historical Archaeology Newsletter
Las Vegas Print: v.28-42 (1995-2009)
- Soil Science Society of America Journal
Reno Electronic: 2005-present (Available in Reno: 1936-2000)
Las Vegas Print: v.34-59 (1970-1995), v. 69-74 (2005-02/2010)
Las Vegas Electronic: v.69 (2005)-present
- Soviet Antarctic Expedition Info. Bulletin
Reno Print: v.1-8 (1964-1975)
- Space Weather
Reno Electronic: v. 1 (2003-24 months ago)
Las Vegas Electronic: v. 1 (2003-24 months ago)
- Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA)
Reno Print: v.13 (1999)- v.23 (2009)
- Stochastic Hydrology & Hydraulics
Reno Print: v.1-12 (1987-98)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Z |
- Tectonics
Reno Electronic: v. 1- (1982-24 months ago)
Las Vegas Electronic: v. 1- (1982-24 months ago)
- Tellus Series A
Reno Print: v.1-62 (1949-01/2010)
Reno Electronic: v.1 (1949)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.1 (1949)-present
- Tellus Series B
Reno Print: v.1-62 (1949-01/2010)
Reno Electronic: v.1 (1949)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.1 (1949)-present
- Toxicology and Industrial Health
Reno Print: v.12-16 (1996-2000)
- Transport in Porous Media
Reno Print: v.1-80 (1986-2009)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Z |
- Vadose Zone Journal
Reno Electronic: v.1 (2002)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.1 (2002)-present
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Z |
- Water Resources Bulletin
Reno Print: v.1-32 (1965-1996)
- Water Resources Research
Reno Print: v.1-45 (1965-2009)
Reno Electronic: v.1 (1965)-present
Las Vegas Print: v.1-45 (1965-2009) (incomplete)
Las Vegas Electronic: v.1 (1965)-present
- Water Well Journal
Las Vegas Print: v.32-46 (1978-1992)
- Weather
Reno Print: v.1-65 (1946-01/2010)
- Weather and Forecasting
Reno Print: v.1-24 (1986-2009)
Reno Electronic: v.1 (1986)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.1 (1986)-present
- Weather Log
Reno Print: 1960-10/2003
- Weather, Climate and Society
Reno Electronic: v.1 (2009)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v.1 (2009)-present
- Weatherwise
Reno Print: v.1-63 (1948-08/2010)
- Western Snow Conference: Proceedings
Reno Print: 1948-present
- Wetter und Leben
Reno Print: v.18-50 (1966-1998)
- Wind Energy
Reno Electronic: v. 1 (1998)-present
Las Vegas Electronic: v. 1 (1998)-present
- Windswept
Reno Print: v.8-50 (1967-2009)
- World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Bulletin
Reno Print: v.2-35 (1953-1986)
- World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Congress Proceedings
Reno Print: v.3-5 (1959-1967)
- World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Technical Note
Reno Print: v.10-193 (1955-1988)
- World Meteorological Organization (WMO) World Weather Watch Planning Report
Reno Print: v.1-38 (1966-1983)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V | W | Z |
- Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Math.und Physik
Reno Print: v.21-46 (1970-1995)
- Zeitschrift fur Meteorologie
Reno Print: v.20-40 (1968-1990)
Circulation Policies for DRI, NSHE and Public Borrowers
Loan Periods for DRI Faculty, NSHE and Public Borrowers
DRI/NSHE-Semester checkout, subject to recall by another borrower.
Public Borrowers-To assist members of the local community with their specialized research needs not otherwise met by their local public libraries, the DRI Libraries extend borrowing privileges to the public. There is a three week checkout for three items.
Public Borrowers Registration Requirements
Residents of Nevada may borrow books from the DRI Libraries upon registering with the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Library or the University of Nevada, Reno Library. After registering, a library card will be provided. If the borrower has not registered with the Universities, a valid Nevada Driver’s license or Nevada I.D. card showing a local street address will be copied and filed.
Library Card
Complete library card application form found on the library website and send to the Reno or Las Vegas library.
Book Renewals
DRI/NSHE-To renew DRI, UNLV, UNR library books please send an email message to: library@www-dev.dri.edu
Public Borrowers-Books may be renewed once (unless a hold request has been place on them).
Recall of Books
Books may be recalled if requested by another borrower.
DRI/NSHE-Bound journals may be checked out for three days. Unbound journals may not be checked out.
Public Borrowers-Journals are not available for checkout.
Overdue and Lost Items
All books are due as marked
A notice will be sent for overdue books.
Collection Development Policy
DRI Faculty/Staff are encouraged to make suggestions for additions to the collection. New additions are charged to the libraries’ budget allocation.
Please send suggestions for books, journals and electronic resources to: library@www-dev.dri.edu
Suggestions for new books will be reviewed by the Executive Directors of Divisions/Centers.
Journals and Electronic Resources
Suggestions for new journals and electronic resources will be reviewed by the library committee.
Distribution of DRI Reports
DRI Reports will be available free of charge from the DRI Libraries. Please contact library@www-dev.dri.edu for more information.
Donation Policy and Donor Information
The library welcomes the donations of publications of interest to DRI. However, space is severely limited, so the material donated will be carefully reviewed and determined if it should be added to the collection.
If it is added to the collection, the material will be cataloged, integrated into the collection and available to the scientists and the community.
If it is not added to the collection, the donor will be contacted and it will be held for 10 days for the donor to pick up.
If the donor does not pick up the material within 10 days (or make special arrangements), it may be discarded or donated to another library.
If you are making a donation, please complete this form. (PDF)
The following physical resources are available. Please note locations and availability.
Resource lists will open as MS Excel files, MS Word files, or Adobe PDFs.
Title | Location | Link Opens With |
Aerial Photographs | Reno | |
Aerial Photographs | Las Vegas | |
Archives | Las Vegas | |
Archives – Media | Las Vegas | |
Archives – Photographs | Las Vegas | |
Bibliography of Dr. Glenn Berger’s Documents | Reno | |
Institutional Project Assignment Reports | Reno | |
Maps | Reno | |
Maps | Las Vegas | |
Posters – DAS | Reno | |
Posters – DEES | Reno | |
Posters – DHS | Reno | |
Posters – by Center | Reno | |
Posters – General | Reno | |
Sabbatical Leave Reports | Reno | |
Safety Videos | Reno | |
Safety Videos | Las Vegas |
Patrick Squires Library
2215 Raggio Parkway
Reno, NV 89512
Hours: M-F, 8am – 5pm, excluding holidays.
Phone: 775.674.7042
Fax: 775.674.7183
Sulo & Aileen Maki Research Library
Las Vegas
755 East Flamingo Road
Las Vegas, NV 89119
Hours: M-F, 8am – 5pm, excluding holidays.
Phone: 702.862.5405
Fax: 702.862.5542