About the Research Park

Peter Ross
AVP Campus Planning & Physical Plant
DRI Research Parks, Ltd
2215 Raggio Parkway
Reno, NV 89512
Desert Research Institute (DRI) is a recognized world leader in basic and applied environmental research. With more than 300 active projects worldwide and generating over $50 million in annual revenue, DRI’s non-tenured entrepreneurial faculty blend academic rigor and private-sector pragmatism earning DRI a reputation for delivering rapid, reliable, and quality research in a businesslike fashion.
The DRI Research Park is not listed with any sole agent or broker.
DRI Research Parks, Ltd (DRIRP) may pay up to 5% commission to any agent or broker representing a prospect tenant for the research park, subject to the policy below:
- The broker incentive Policy applies only to sole-sourced leads brought to DRIRP by the broker or consultant.
- The broker incentive fee and payment schedule will be negotiated as part of the land lease agreement.
- The broker must be identified to DRIRP with written evidence of broker-client relationship prior to any engagement or site visit with DRIRP.
- The broker incentive fee will be based on a negotiated percentage with no consideration for future fair market value or Consumer Price Index extensions, options, holdovers and fair market value adjustments.
- The land lease will contain a provision that, should the tenant fail to perform subsequent to broker incentive payment(s), the tenant is required to reimburse DRIRP.
- The broker must provide full disclosure of other sources of compensation (lessee, lender, etc). DRIRP will not participate in an arrangement that will effect double payment of commission.
- Payment will only be made upon fully executed land lease which must be signed within 90 calendar days following Board approval of the land lease.
- DRIRP Trustees and Staff, or NSHE employees are not eligible to participate in this program either while employed or within 12 months of separation from DRIRP or NSHE.
Home to the Desert Research Institute’s flagship campus the Northern Nevada Science Center, DRI’s Reno campus houses over 450 research faculty and over 40 specialized laboratories supporting the research fields of atmospheric, hydrologic, earth & ecosystem science, and clean tech/renewable energy.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration operates its Western Regional Office for the National Weather Service within the Research Park. The National Weather Service is a component of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). NOAA is an Operating Unit of the U.S. Department of Commerce.
University of Nevada, Reno
Truckee Meadows Community College
The Research Park is governed by DRI Research Parks, Ltd, a 501(c)3 corporation organized by the Nevada System of Higher Education and managed by both public and private sector community leaders that make up the Board of Trustees.
Corporate Officers
Ms. Tina W. Iftiger, Chair
VP of Airport Economic Development
Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority
Mr. Peter Ross, President
AVP Campus Planning & Physical Plant
Desert Research Institute
Ms. Lindsay Sessions, Secretary/Treasurer
Controller/Chief Accounting Officer
Desert Research Institute
Memebers of the Board of Trustees
Dr. Kumud Acharya
Desert Research Institute
Mr. Jeff Brigger
Manager, Economic Development
NV Energy
Dr. Vic Etyemezian
Interim VP Research
Desert Research Institute
Dr. Mridul Gautam
VP Research & Innovation
University of Nevada, Reno
Mr. Karsten Heise
Director of Strategic Programs
Governor’s Office of Economic Development
Dr. Karin Hilgersom
Truckee Meadows Community College
Mr. Mike Kazmierski
CEO and President
Ms. Stephanie Kruse
President/Chief Strategist
Mr. Michael Benjamin
CEO and President
Benjamin Enterprises
Dr. Greg Mosier
Dean, College of Business
University of Nevada Reno
Mr. Jeff Pickett
Senior VP
The DuPuis Group