Naval Earth Sciences and Engineering Program
Program Description
DRI’s Naval Earth Sciences and Engineering Program (NESEP) serves the Department of Defense with expertise in the earth sciences and engineering. The NESEP team develops and applies innovative, mission-focused, solution-driven strategies that directly support the US Navy through contributions to fleet readiness and to ensure the long-term sustainability of premiere RDAT&E installations and airspace.
Created in 2009, NESEP directly supports US Naval operations with expertise and experience in atmospheric, geologic, and hydrologic sciences, as well as civil, geotechnical, mechanical, and systems engineering.
The NESEP team collaborates with the client as a stakeholder from start to finish to identify the problem(s), define solution requirements, and invoke lines of inquiry to drive to solutions as efficiently as possible. We incorporate a mix of applied, academic, and business philosophies into this workflow. As a result, NESEP’s process encourages across-the-board consensus in highly complex technical, political, and bureaucratic settings.
Our team has broad experience communicating complex concepts within government, corporate, and public sectors. NESEP provides science and engineering products that are approachable, understandable, and incorporable across the Navy’s body of stakeholders.
Capabilities and Experience
Real-Time Environmental Monitoring and Alert System (REMAS):
- REMAS is a robust, real-time environmental data management system that measures, records, and analyzes data with alerting and on-site or web-based display. REMAS has a proven record enabling Navy stakeholders operations project schedule and test cadence, while ensuring data security and compliance.

- Learn more on the REMAS website.
- Download the REMAS fact sheet.
High Perfomance Computational Services (HPCS):
DRI’s High Performance Computational Services (HPCS) team offers cost effective, responsive, adaptable, and technologically current computational service and support in a secure environment.Â
Serving US Navy and internationally recognized science and engineering firms such as Karagozian and Case, Inc.

- Learn more on the HPCS website.
Weather Forecasts for Crane Operations:
- Providing weather forecasts critical for safe crane operations
- Site-specific forecasts delivered to desktops/mobile devices anywhere
- Operators can more confidently plan/schedule lift times around weather
- Lightning early warning and real-time detection
- Increase safety, efficiency, profitability, and competitiveness
- Reduces costs

- Learn more on the Weather Forecasts for Crane Operations website.
- Download the Weather Forecasts for Crane Operations fact sheet.
Ohio Replacement Program Support:
- Research and development in mechanical and geotechnical engineering to support test facility design.
- Ranges and instrumentation design to support facility function.
- Modeling, simulation and meteorological forecasting to support facility operational safety.
Example Engineering and Applied Science Projects:
- Support for Ohio Replacement Program
- Meteorological measurement, analysis, forecasting
- Atmospheric plume fate and transport modeling at sub-meter scale
- Paleo lake and landscape reconstruction, dust and sand transport, desertification, and State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) cultural resource mapping optimization
- Groundwater resources sustainability analysis
- Open-burn/open-detonation gas, aerosol measurement and transport
- Novel ordnance disposal methodology development
- Support for new weapon and countermeasures development
Dave Decker, Ph.D.
NESEP Program Director and Research Professor
775.673.7353 Â
Desert Research Institute
2215 Raggio Parkway
Reno, NV 89512
Hydrologic Sciences