University of Nevada Affiliation:Faculty Member, Graduate Program of Hydrologic Sciences
- Ph.D., Plant Physiology, Texas A&M University
- M.S., Plant Physiology, Texas A&M University
- B.S., Crop Science, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Professional Experience
- Faculty, Graduate Program of Hydrologic Sciences, University of Nevada, Reno (2011 – present)
- Associate Research Ecologist, Desert Research Institute (2010 – present)
- Assistant Research Ecologist, Desert Research Institute (2007 – 2010)
- Assistant Professor, West Texas A&M University (2006 – 2007)
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, Desert Research Institute (2003 – 2006)
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, Texas Tech University (2000 – 2003)
- Lecturer, California Polytechnic State University (1999 – 2000)
- Research Scientist, Monsanto Company (1998 – 1999)
Research Experience
- Plant physiological ecology
- Climate change
- Ecohydrology
- Measurement and analysis of ecosystem CO2and H2O fluxes from arid, semi-arid, and agricultural ecosystems using static chamber and eddy covariance techniques
- Plant stress physiology (water, salinity, temperature, nutrients)
- Ethylene biosynthesis (ethylene gas measurements, enzyme assays)
- Isotopic analysis of xylem water
- Measuring volatile compound emissions from plants
- Analytical chemistry (GC, HPLC, GC-MS)
- Using biochar as a soil amendment
- Extensive fieldwork experience in desert, mountain, and agricultural ecosystems
Current Projects
- Eddy covariance and static chamber measurements of CO2fluxes in arid, semi-arid and agricultural ecosystems
- Eddy covariance and static chamber measurements of evapotranspiration in arid, semi-arid, and agricultural ecosystems
- Water conservation in Southern Nevada: Establishing optimal irrigation scheduling at TPC Summerlin using atmospheric, plant, and soil data
- Developing thermal conversion options for biorefinery residues
- Biochar as a soil amendment
Education Activities
- Designed and constructed a microgreens hydroponics system for Earl Wooster High School, Reno NV
- Reno Gazette Journal article about Wooster High School hydroponic microgreens project
- Edible Reno Tahoe article about Wooster High School hydroponic microgreens project
- DRI press release about Wooster High School hydroponic microgreens
- Hydroponics Presentation – Sparks Middle School
- Keynote Speaker, GreenPower Annual Teacher Training Workshop
Link to ResearchGate publications
Roy J, Rineau F, De Boeck HJ, Nijs I, Ptz T, Abiven S, Arnone JA III, Barton CVM, Beenaerts N, Brggemann N, Dainese M,Domisch T, Eisenhauer N, Garr1 S, Gebler A, Ghirard A, Jasoni RL, Kowalchuk G, Landais D, Larsen SH, Leemans V, Le Galliard J-F, Longdoz B, Masso F, Mikkelsen TN, Niedrist G, Piel C, Ravel O, Sauze J, Schmidt A, Schnitzler J-P, Teixeira LH, Tjoelker MG, Weisser WW, Winkler B, Milcu A (2020) Ecotrons: Powerful and versatile ecosystem analysers for ecology, agronomy and environmental science. Global Change Biology, DOI: 10.1111/gcb.15471.
Devitt, DA, Bird BM, Lyles B, Fenstermaker LF, Jasoni RL, Strachan S, Arnone JA, Biondi F, Mensing S & Saito L (2018) Assessing near surface hydrology processes and plant response over a 1600 m mountain valley gradient in the Great Basin, NV, U.S.A. Water.
Wagner, A, Devitt DA, Bird B, Jasoni R, and Arnone JA (2018) Response of four shrub species to different water source components in an arid environment. Environmental and Natural Resources Research, 8: 166-181.
Biederman, JA, Scott RL, Arnone JA III, Jasoni RL, Litvak ME, Moreo MT, Papuga SA, Ponce-Campos GE, Shreiner- McGraw AP, & Vivoni ER (2017) Shrubland carbon sink depends upon winter water availability in the warm deserts of North America. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, http://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2017.11.005
Sueki, S, Acharya K, Healey J, Liebert R, Huntington J, Jasoni R, & Young M (2015) Defoliation effects of tamarisk biocontrol agent, Diorhabda carinulata, on evapotranspiration and groundwater use. Ecohydrology, DOI: 10.1002/eco.1604.
Fenstermaker, LF, Jasoni RL, Arnone JA III, & Devitt DA (2012) Impact of pixel versus footprint approaches on empirically derived ET estimates from Landsat TM. Remote Sensing and Hydrology, 352: 202-205.
Zhu, J, Young M, Healey J, Jasoni R, & Osterberg J (2011) Interference of river level changes on riparian zone evapotranspiration estimates from diurnal groundwater level fluctuations. Journal of Hydrology, 403: 381-389.
Arnone, JA III, Jasoni RL, Lucchesi AA, Larsen JD, Leger EA, Sherry RA, Luo Y, Schimel DS, & Verburg PSJ (2011) A climatically extreme year has large impacts on C4 species in tallgrass prairie ecosystems but only minor effects on species richness and other plant functional groups. Journal of Ecology, 99: 678-688.
Wohlfahrt G, Haslwanter A, Hrtnagl L, Jasoni RL, Fenstermaker LF, Arnone JA III, & Hammerle, A (2009) On the consequences of the energy imbalance for calculating surface conductance to water vapour. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149: 1556-1559.
Arnone JA III, Verburg PSJ, Johnson DW, Larsen JD, Jasoni RL, Lucchesi AJ, Batts CM, von Nagy C, Coulombe WG, Schorran DE, Buck PE, Braswell BH, Coleman JS, Sherry RA, Wallace LL, Luo Y, & Schimel DS (2008) Prolonged suppression of ecosystem carbon dioxide uptake following an anomalously warm year. Nature 455: 383-386.
Kane CD, Jasoni RL, Peffley EP, Thompson LD, Green CJ, Pare PW, & Tissue DT (2006) Influence of nutrient solution and solution pH on onion growth and mineral content. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 29: 375-390.
Jasoni RL, Smith SD, & Arnone JA III (2005) Net ecosystem CO2 exchange in Mojave Desert shrublands during the eighth year of exposure to elevated CO2. Global Change Biology, 11: 749-756.
Thompson L, Morris J, Peffley E, Green C, Par P, Tissue D, Jasoni R, Hutson J, Wehner B, & Kane C (2005). Flavonol content and composition of spring onions grown hydroponically or in potting soil. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 18: 635-645.
Wei HX, Jasoni RL, Padolina ID, Hu J, & Par PW (2004) Anti-selective and regioselective aldol addition of ketones and aldehydes using MgI2 as promoter. Tetrahedron Letters, 60: 11829-11835.
Wei HX, Jasoni RL, Hu J, & Par PW (2004) Z/E Stereoselective Synthesis of -Bromo Baylis-Hillman ketones using MgBr2 as promoter via a one-pot three-component reaction. Tetrahedron Letters, 60: 10233-10237.
Wei HX, Li K, Zhang Q, Jasoni RL, Hu J, & Par PW (2004) Versatile one-step one-pot direct aldol condensation promoted by MgI2. Helvetica Chimica Acta, 87: 2354-2358.
Wei HX, Hu J, Jasoni RL, Li G, & Par PW (2004) Synthesis of substituted alpha-(hydroxymethyl)–iodoacrylates via MgI2-promoted stereoselective aldol coupling.Helvetica Chimica Acta, 87: 2359-2363.
Pare PW, Jasoni R, Peffley E, Thompson L, Tissue D, & Green C (2004) Elevated carbon dioxide alters hydrocarbon emissions and flavor in onion. SAE Aerospace, 04ICES-2299.
Jasoni RL, Kane CD, Green CJ, Peffley EB, Tissue DT, Thompson LD, & Par PW (2004) Altered VOC and root exudation from onions (Allium cepa L.) grown under elevated CO2 conditions. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 51: 273-280.
Jasoni RL, Cothren JT, Morgan PW, & Sohan DE (2002) Circadian ethylene production in cotton. Plant Growth Regulation, 36: 127-133.
Jasoni RL, Cothren JT, & Fernandez CJ (2000) Carbon dioxide exchange rate of cotton after complete boll removal. Journal of Cotton Science, 4: 91-96.
Sohan DE, Jasoni RL, & Zajicek JM (1999) Plant-water relations of NaCl and calcium-treated sunflower plants. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 42: 105-111.
agriculture, alternative crops, arid ecosystem, biochar, carbon dioxide fluxes, carbon sequestration, climate change, deserts, ecosystem fluxes, eddy covariance, ethylene, evapotranspiration, fieldwork, groundwater, mountian ecosystems, nutrient stress, phreatopytes, plant ecophysiology, plant physiology, semi-arid ecosystems, volatile organic compounds