Dr. Kristin Vandermolen
Assistant Research Professor, Atmospheric Science
Reno Campus
Full Resume / CV
Atmospheric Sciences
Identifying risk information needs of rural communities impacted by wildfire smoke: A mental models approach, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 100, Article No. 104182, 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2023.104182
, , , , (2024). 2022
Increasing the Reach and Effectiveness of Heat Risk Education and Warning Messaging: Recommendations from San Diego County, California, Residents
, , (2022). https://www-dev.dri.edu/wp-content/uploads/Increasing-the-Reach-and-Effectiveness-of-Heat-Risk-Education-and-Warning-Messaging-English.pdf
Incrementando el alcance y la eficacia de la educacion sobre los riesgos del calor y los mensajes de advertencia: Recomendaciones de los residentes del Condado de San Diego, California
, , (2022). https://www-dev.dri.edu/wp-content/uploads/Increasing-the-Reach-and-Effectiveness-of-Heat-Risk-Education-and-Warning-Messaging-Spanish.pdf
Recommendations for increasing the reach and effectiveness of heat risk education and warning messaging, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 82, 103288, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.103288
, , (2022). https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212420922005076
Identifying community values related to heat: recommendations for forecast and health risk communication, Geoscience Communication, 4 (4), 517-525
, , , (2021). https://gc.copernicus.org/articles/4/517/2021/gc-4-517-2021.html
Mobility data aids assessment of human responses to extreme environmental conditions, The Lancet Planetary Health, 5 (10), e665-e667, 10.1016/S2542-5196(21)00261-8
, , , , , , , (2021). 2020
Typologizing Stakeholder Information Use to Better Understand the Impacts of Collaborative Climate Science, Environmental Management, 65 (2), 178-189, 10.1007/s00267-019-01237-9
, , , (2020). Exploratory Analysis of Potential Trends in Wildland Firefighter Fatality Incidents Related to Weather/Climate or Extreme Fire Behavior
, , (2020). Nevada’s 2020 State Climate Strategy: Climate Change in Nevada. State of Nevada, December 1, 2020
, , , , , , , , (2020). https://climateaction.nv.gov/policies/climate-nv/
A Call for the Evaluation of Web-based Climate Data and Analysis Tools, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 100 (2), 257-268, 10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0006.1
, , (2019). Establishing Relationships between Drought Indices and Wildfire Danger Outputs: A Test Case for the California-Nevada Drought Early Warning System, Climate, 7 (4), 52, https://doi.org/10.3390/cli7040052
, , , , , , (2019). 2018
Implications of Regulatory Drought for Farmer Use of Climate Information in the Klamath Basin, Weather, Climate, and Society, 10 (2), 269-274, https://doi.org/10.1175/WCAS-D-17-0078.1
, (2018). Towards a Reno Climate Resiliency and Adaptation Plan, Report prepared for the City of Reno Sustainability Office.
, (2018). 2016
Kids on the Frontline: How pesticides are undermining the health of rural children, 48 p.. Pesticide Action Network North America: Oakland, CA
, , , (2016). 2015
Maize migration: Key crop expands to higher altitudes under climate change in the Andes, Climate and Development, 8 (3), 245-255, 10.1080/17565529.2015.1034234
, (2015). 2014
Irrigation Access and Vulnerability to Climate-induced Hydrological Change in the Ecuadorian Andes, Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment, 36 (1), 28-44
, (2014). Portafolio de medidas de implementación e investigación respecto de la lucha contra la desertificación, degradación de la tierra, y adaptación al cambio climático (Portfolio of research and implementation measures addressing desertification, land degradation, and climate change adaptation), 84 p.. ZUISO: Quito, Ecuador
, , (2014). 2012
‘The one who has changed is the person’: Observations and explanations of climate change in the Ecuadorian AndesChapter : . In Castro, P., Taylor, D., Brokensha, D. W. (Eds.), Climate Change and Threatened Communities: Vulnerability, Capacity & Action, 119-128. Practical Action Publishers: London, UK
, , , (2012). 2011
Percepciones de cambio climático y estrategias de adaptación en las comunidades agrícolas de Cotacachi (Perceptions of climate change and adaptation strategies in the agrarian communities of Cotacachi), Ecuador Debate, 82, 145-157
(2011). La Creación de Nuestra Madre Naturaleza/Ñucanchik Pachamama Imashina Wiñarishkamanta (The Creation of Our Mother Earth), 53 p., Imprenta Dikapsa: Otavalo, Ecuador
, , (2011). Conference Proceedings
Identifying Types of Stakeholder Climate Information Use: Conceptual, Instrumental, Justification. 6th North American Congress for Conservation Biology: Reno, Nevada, July 16, 2022-July 21, 2022
, , , (2022). Expanding Wildfire Smoke Monitoring and Messaging into Rural Nevada, Rocky Mountain Regional Wildfire Smoke Symposium: [virtual], November 14, 2022
, , , , , , , , (2022). 2021
Wildfire Smoke and De-energization: Impacts on Sierra Businesses. National Council for Science and the Environment: Virtual, January 5, 2021-January 7, 2021
, (2021). Leveraging climate disasters to increase P2 adoption, Panel discussion. P2 West: Inspiration, Innovation, and Implementation Conference: Virtual conference, October 20, 2021-October 28, 2021
(2021). 2019
Understanding the Potential for Public Misinterpretation of Forecast Information: SAWTI and the “Purple Flag Warning”. 99th annual meeting of the American Meteorological Society: Phoenix, AZ, January 6, 2019-January 10, 2019
, (2019). Lessons Learned from the Evaluation of Web-based Climate Data and Analysis Tools. American Geophysical Union: San Francisco, CA, December 9, 2019-December 13, 2019
(2019). Uncovering Public Values in Heat Safety Communication: Using an Interdisciplinary Approach to Build Trust between Citizens and Scientists. American Geophysical Union: San Francisco, CA, December 9, 2019-December 13, 2019
, , (2019). It Takes More Than a Two-Year Funding Cycle to Have an Impact. Annual Meeting of American Geophysical Union: San Francisco, CA, December 9, 2019-December 13, 2019
, , (2019). 2018
Update: Establishing Relationships between Drought and Wildfire Danger Indices for Improved Wildfire Risk Management. California FIRESCOPE, May 9, 2018
, , , , , , (2018). The Evaporative Demand Drought Index: Research and Applications for Wildland Fire Management. Predictive Services Winter Meeting: Meridian, Idaho, December 4, 2018-December 6, 2018
, , , , (2018). The Evaporative Demand Drought Index: Research and Applications for Wildland Fire Management. Advanced Fire Environment Learning Unit Fall Webinar, November 7, 2018
, , , , (2018). Establishing Relationships Between Drought and Wildfire Danger Indices for Improved Wildfire Risk Management. Nevada Water Resources Association Fall Symposium: Reno, Nevada, September 25, 2018-September 26, 2018
, , , , , , (2018). 2017
Implications of Regulatory Drought for Farmer Use of Climate Information in the Klamath Basin. Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop: Anchorage, AK, May 2, 2017-May 4, 2017
, (2017). 2014
Making Development Meaningful: Understanding Stakeholder Interpretations of Ethnodevelopment in Highland Ecuador. Inter-American Foundation Mid-Year Conference: Mexico City, Mexico, February 11, 2014-February 13, 2014
(2014). Challenging or reinforcing gender stereotypes? Lessons from the “visibilización” of women through development in the Andean highlands. 21st Annual Women’s Studies Student Research Symposium: Athens, GA, March 21, 2014
(2014). 2013
Climate change in Andean Cosmovision: An indigenous perspective on the transformative power of worldview, Transformation in a Changing Climate, 232-240. Transformation in a Changing Climate: Oslo, Norway
, , (2013). Climate Change in Andean Cosmovision: An Indigenous Perspective on the Transformative Power of Worldview. Transformation in a Changing Climate: Oslo, Norway, June 19, 2013-June 21, 2013
, , (2013). 2012
Of Hurricanes and Hot Peppers: Restoring Local Legends in Cotacachi, Ecuador. Anthropology Society Meetings: Athens, GA, February 16, 2012
, (2012). 2011
Las implicaciones del cambio climático para las agricultoras familiares de Cotacachi, Ecuador (The implications of climate change for women family farmers in Cotacachi, Ecuador). Quinto Seminario Internacional “Mujeres Indígenas y Agua” of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia: Bogotá, Colombia, May 18, 2011-May 19, 2011
(2011). 2010
Melted Mountain: Climate Change in Cotacachi, Ecuador. 109th Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association: New Orleans, LA, November 17, 2010-November 21, 2010
, (2010). Other
Percepciones de cambio climático y estrategias de adaptación en las comunidades agrícolas de Cotacachi (Perceptions of climate change and adaptation strategies in the agrarian communities of Cotacachi). La Hora Nacional: Quito, Ecuador, June 6, 2011