Behind the Science Blog
DRI’s “Behind the Science” blog featuring our people and projects
Read the stories below to learn more about the amazing people and projects happening at DRI.
Tracking the Restorative Effects of Good Fire
A few miles south of Yosemite’s famed Glacier Point, ringed by striking granite domes, lies the Illilouette Basin. This small stretch of the Sierra Nevada Mountains has become a sort of fire laboratory, a place where natural wildfires have been allowed to burn since 1972. In contrast with the long-supported program of fire suppression that has dominated American forests since the late 19th century, resulting in dense and unhealthy forests, the Illilouette Basin’s story is about the benefits that natural fire can bring to the landscape.
Meet Nathan Chellman, Ph.D.
Meet DRI scientist Nathan Chellman and learn about his work in the Ice Core Laboratory in this interview with DRI’s Behind the Science Blog.
New DRI projects for 2021 include microplastics, microfossils, snowmelt risk, and solute transport
New DRI projects for 2021 include microplastics, microfossils, snowmelt risk, and solute transportFEB 26, 2021RENO & LAS VEGAS, NEV.Introducing the winners of DRI's 2021 Institute Project Assignment (IPA) competition.Each year, the Desert...
New Robotics STEM Kit for Nevada Educators Now Available!
Robot Recipe STEM Kit - The Overview Dive into the field of robotics with the new "Robot Recipe" STEM Kit developed by Nevada Robotics in partnership with DRI's Science Alive! STEM Kits are uniquely designed to support formal (classroom) and...
Traner Middle School Receives FIRST Lego League Robots!
AJ Long from Nevada Robotics poses with robotics educators at Traner Middle School during the drop off of the donated classroom set of FIRST robots.In November of 2020 we received a generous donation from TrainerRoad to fund our ongoing robotics...
Nevada Robotics Partners with UNR’s Innevation Center for K-12 Outreach Programming.
Nevada Robotics is to join UNR's Innevation Center to develop K-12 robotics education programming. The Southside Studio has become home to the Innevation Center's new robotics education and competition team hub to support and strenghten the...
Read Up On Robotics Education and the Workplace
Mark Greenlaw, former VP of Education at FIRST, has started a multi-part article series on robotics education and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This compelling series is kicked off with an article titled "Is It A Robot?", detailing how...
Calling All Robotics Educators! We Need Your Input!
We know this year has turned things upside down and now, more than ever, we need your feedback on how we can better serve the robotics community. As educators you are the experts in what it takes to have a successful robotics team, club and/or...
Robot Revelations: a Conversation with Ben Nguyen
Nevada Robotics team member Chelsea talked with robotics coach Ben Nguyen about the unique opportunities provided by robotics education, the challenges brought by COVID-19, and the exciting future of robotics. The video below is a preview of their...
Keep up-to-date with FIRST Nevada by joining their newsletter!
Sign up for the FIRST Nevada monthly newsletter! Keep up-to-date on all things FIRST robotics- competitions, coach trainings, workshops, scholarships and more! Suscribe to the newsletter at ! Download the November...
What’s in the plume? Researchers compare health impacts of smoke from wildfires versus prescribed burns
wildfires often burn hotter and their plumes may include chemicals released by burning houses or other structures.
DRI welcomes new graduate students to Reno and Las Vegas campuses
Each year, the Desert Research Institute (DRI) welcomes new graduate students from the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) and University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), who work under the direction of DRI faculty on our northern and southern campuses to...
Xiaoliang Wang Receives 2020 Benjamin Y. H. Liu Award for Aerosol Research
Reno, Nev. (Oct 7, 2020) – Xiaoliang Wang, Ph.D. of the Desert Research Institute (DRI) in Reno, Nev. is the winner of this year’s Benjamin Y. H. Liu Award from the American Association of Aerosol Research (AAAR). He was recognized for this honor...