Advanced Autonomous Systems

Pioneering Research with UAS Technology

Researchers at the Desert Research Institute (DRI) are exploring ways in which unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) are increasingly being used in civilian government work as well as the private sector for use in applications as diverse as cloud seeding to climate change to fighting forest fires. DRI has been actively engaged in UAS sensor development and scientific applications for many years and was a partner in the state’s FAA Test Site application in 2013.

The State of Nevada has been approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as one of six US UAS test site operators and scientists at the Desert Research Institute are deeply involved in UAS applications and fire science and management.

Real Life Applications



The ability of the UAS to fly over land that is not easily accessible allows for detailed real-time agricultural and environmental inspections. The UAS assists in surface topography mapping, visually assess crop health, determining water use and irrigaton efficiencies, soil erosion and ecosystem functions covering the health and productivity of millions of acres.


The first of its kind, UASs reduce the risks and costs in the cloud seeding industry. The UAS as a tool in this capacity will improve cloud seeding operations thereby potentially increasing water supplies and weather forecasting. It measures high frequency volicity, temperature, and humidity along with aerosol particle concentration.


Using satellite remote sensing and high definition imaging, UASs can provide visual arial landscapes from extreme environments to hard-to-reach terrain. Through unmanned surveillance, they allow greater and safer accessibility.


The UAS plays a vital role in research related to drought preventions and mitigation. From iodine induced applications for weather modification to visual monitoring, digital mapping, soil stability and thermal stress modeling leading to drought prediction.


From designing cutting-edge weather intelligence to partnering with industry leaders to create first of its kind technologies, the impacts have enormous potential.


From situational awareness in pre/post-burn analysis (vegetation, wildlife, hydrology) to real-time emissions and thermal monitoring and precision perimeter mapping, UASs can provide visual and tactical tool for wildland fire prediction and mitigation.

Airborne Platforms

Manned Aircraft

  • Cloud Seeding
  • Air Quality monitoring and profiling with LiDAR
  • Hyperspectral imaging for ecosystem monitoring

Unmanned Balloons

  • Air quality, chemistry and water content monitoring

Class I UAS (fixed wing and rotor)

  • Ecosystem and agricultural monitoring
  • Aerosol and cloud physics
  • Radiative and water flux measurement above and below clouds
  • Pollution monitoring
  • Situational awareness
  • Cloud Seeding

Sensor Development for Manned and Unmanned Aircraft

Large T-Probe:
Designed and fabricated by John Hallett and Rick Purcess (DRI)

  • simultaneously measures cloud liquid, ice and total water
  • currently mounted on manned NSF aircraft
  • fabricating smaller prove for UAS platform

Photoacoustic Instrument:Designed by Pat Arnott (DRI/UNR)

  • measures aerosol light absorption and scattering, which is impacted by air pollution
  • 4 patents and commercialization of 3 versions partnering with Droplet Mearuement Technology

Air Pollution Detection Sensor Packages
Designed by Judy Chow and John Watson

Airborne Platforms

Manned Aircraft

  • Cloud Seeding
  • Air Quality monitoring and profiling with LiDAR
  • Hyperspectral imaging for ecosystem monitoring

Unmanned Balloons

  • Air quality, chemistry and water content monitoring

Class I UAS (fixed wing and rotor)

  • Ecosystem and agricultural monitoring
  • Aerosol and cloud physics
  • Radiative and water flux measurement above and below clouds
  • Pollution monitoring
  • Situational awareness
  • Cloud Seeding

Sensor Development for Manned and Unmanned Aircraft

Large T-Probe:

Designed and fabricated by John Hallett and Rick Purcess (DRI)

  • simultaneously measures cloud liquid, ice and total water
  • currently mounted on manned NSF aircraft
  • fabricating smaller prove for UAS platform

Photoacoustic Instrument:

Designed by Pat Arnott (DRI/UNR)

  • measures aerosol light absorption and scattering, which is impacted by air pollution
  • 4 patents and commercialization of 3 versions partnering with Droplet Mearuement Technology

Air Pollution Detection Sensor Packages

Designed by Judy Chow and John Watson

DRI experts connecting with industry leaders equals world class research and innovative solutions.

project contact

Lynn Fenstermaker, Ph.D.

project contact

Ken McGwire, Ph.D.

project contact

Eric Wilcox, Ph.D.
Collaborative Projects for NSF

project contact

Adam Watts, Ph.D.
Projects for State of Nevada (GOED)