Dick Egami Profile Photo
Mr. Dick Egami
Sr. Research Scientist, Emeritus

Engelbrecht, J. P., Swanepoel, L., Chow, J. C., Watson, J. G., Egami, R. T. (2002). The comparison of source contributions from residential coal and low-smoke fuels, using CMB modeling, in South Africa, Environ. Science and Policy, 5 (2), 157-167

Engelbrecht, J. P., Swanepoel, L., Chow, J. C., Watson, J. G., Egami, R. T. (2002). The comparison of source contributions from residential coal and low-smoke fuels, using CMB modeling, in South Africa, Environmental Science & Policy, 5 (2), 157-167

Mugica, V., Vega, E., Sanchez, G., Reyes, E., Arriaga, J. L., Chow, J. C., Watson, J. G., Egami, R. T. (2001). Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions from Gasoline and Diesel Powered Vehicle, Atmosfera, 14, 29-37

Mugica, V., Vega, E., Chow, J. C., Reyes, E., Sanchez, G., Arriaga, J., Egami, R. T., Watson, J. G. (2001). Speciated Non-Methane Organic Compounds Emissions from Food Cooking in Mexico, Atmos Environ., 35 , 1729-1734

Engelbrecht, J. P., Swanepoel, L., Chow, J. C., Watson, J. G., Egami, R. T. (2001). PM2.5 and PM10 Concentrations from the Qalabotjha Low-Smoke Fuels Macro-Scale Experiment in South Africa, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 61, 1-15

Engelbrecht, J. P., Swanepoel, L., Zunckel, M., Chow, J. C., Watson, J. G., Egami, R. T. (2000). Modelling PM10 Aerosol Data from the Qalabotjha Low-Smoke Fuels Macro-Scale Experiment in South Africa, Ecological Modelling, 127 (2-3), 235-244

Casuccio, G., Osgood, B., Badger, S., Lee, R., Watson, J. G., Egami, R. T., Cannon, D. (2000). Investigation of nuisance dust near a cement plantChapter : . In , Proceedings, 93rd Annual Meeting of the Air & Waste Management Association. Air & Waste Management Association: Pittsburgh, PA

Chow, J. C., Watson, J. G., DuBois, D. W., Green, M. C., Lowenthal, D. H., Kohl, S. D., Egami, R. T., Gillies, J. A., Rogers, C. F., Frazier, C. A., Cates, W. (1999). Middle- and neighborhood-scale variations of PM10 source contributions in Las Vegas, Nevada, J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc., 49 (6), 641-654

Chow, J. C., Watson, J. G., Lowenthal, D. H., Egami, R. T., Solomon, P., Thuillier, R., Magliano, K., Ranzieri, A. (1998). Spatial and temporal variations of particulate precursor gases and photochemical reaction products during SJVAQS/AUSPEX ozone episodes, Atmospheric Environment, 32 (16), 2835-2844

Egami, R. T., Freeman, D., Watson, J. G., Chow, J. C., Schmidt, S., Smith, R. (1998). Fugitive dust sources from small rural communities in the southwest United StatesChapter : . In , Proceedings, 11th World Clean Air & Environment Conference. International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and Envrionmental Protection Associations: Burgess Hill, UK

Bowen, J. L., Egami, R. T., Crow, D., Schmidt, S. (1998). Measurement of black carbon and PM 10 near southern California distribution centers. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Chow, J. C., Egami, R. T. (1997). San Joaquin Valley Integrated Monitoring Study: Documentation, evaluation, and descriptive analysis of PM 10 , PM 2.5 , and precursor gas measurements – Technical Support Studies No. 4 and No. 8 – Final report.. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Coulombe, W., Cristani, B. G., Egami, R. T., Schmidt, S. (1997). Meteorology and air quality monitoring at the Nevada Army National Guard Facility, Stead, Nevada, annual report. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Lloyd, A., Egami, R. T., Mizell, S. A., Marcus, B., Robinson, N. F. (1997). Mohave power plant economic study, draft final report. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Coulombe, W., Bowen, J. L., Freeman, D., Egami, R. T., Cristani, B. G., Schmidt, S. (1996). 24M meteorological tower data report period: July through September 1994. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Egami, R. T., Coulombe, W., Bowen, J. L., Freeman, D., Watson, J. G., Koracin, D. R., Schorran, D., Zielinska, B. K., Sheesley, D., Nordin, J., Routh, T., King, B. (1996). Characterization of carbon dioxide releases: Experiment one. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Chow, J. C., Watson, J. G., Egami, R. T., Divita, F. (1995). Las Vegas Valley PM 10 Study – Volume I: Program plan

Egami, R. T., Bowen, J. L., Coulombe, W., Freeman, D., Watson, J. G., Sheesley, D., King, B., Nordin, J., Routh, T., Briggs, G., Petersen, W. (1995). Controlled experiments for dense gas diffusion – Experimental design and execution, model comparisonChapter : . In , Proceedings, American Institute of Chemical Engineers International Conference and Workshop on Modeling and Mitigating the Consequences of Accidental Releases of Hazardous Materials, 1-30

Egami, R. T., Coulombe, W., Bowen, J. L., Freeman, D., Watson, J. G., Koracin, D. R., Schorran, D., Zielinska, B. K., Sheesley, D., Nordin, J., Routh, T., King, B. (1995). Characterization of carbon dioxide releases: Experiment one.

Coulombe, W., Bowen, J. L., Freeman, D., Egami, R. T., Cristani, B. G., Schmidt, S. (1995). 24M meteorological tower data report period: August through December 1993. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Coulombe, W., Bowen, J. L., Freeman, D., Egami, R. T., Cristani, B. G., Schmidt, S. (1995). 24M meteorological tower data report period: January through March 1994. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Coulombe, W., Bowen, J. L., Freeman, D., Egami, R. T., Cristani, B. G., Schmidt, S. (1995). 24M meteorological tower data report period: April through June 1994. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Fujita, E. M., Robinson, N. F., Lu, Z., Egami, R. T. (1995). Database utilities for estimating and compiling hazardous air pollutant emissions using emission factors and source composition profiles. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Chow, J. C., Watson, J. G., Houck, J., Pritchett, L. C., Rogers, C. F., Frazier, C., Egami, R. T., Ball, B. (1994). A laboratory resuspension chamber to measure fugitive dust size distributions and chemical compositions, Atmospheric Environment, 28 (21), 3463-3481

Watson, J. G., Bowen, J. L., Coulombe, W., Egami, R. T., Freeman, D., Koracin, D. R., Schorran, D., Zielinska, B. K., Sheesley, D., Nordin, J., Routh, T., King, B. (1994). Quality assurance project plan: Operation of the STF 24-meter meteorological tower

Bowen, J. L., Egami, R. T. (1994). Clark County Carbon Monoxide Hotspot Study. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Egami, R. T., Coulombe, W., Bowen, J. L., Freeman, D., Watson, J. G., Koracin, D. R., Schorran, D., Zielinska, B. K., Sheesley, D., Nordin, J., Routh, T., King, B. (1993). Quality assurance project plan: Characterization of stable and baseline meteorological conditions using 0.5 to 1-ton carbon dioxide releases

Gertler, A. W., Coulombe, W., Watson, J. G., Bowen, J. L., Egami, R. T., Marsh, S. (1993). Comparison of PM 10 concentrations in high- and medium-volume samplers in a desert environment, Environ. Mon. Assess, 24 (1), 13-25

Coulombe, W., Bowen, J. L., Freeman, D., Egami, R. T., Schmidt, S. (1993). Quality assurance project plan, Experiment one: Characterization of stable and baseline meteorological conditions using 200 to 500 pound carbon dioxide releases. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Freeman, D., Egami, R. T. (1993). Air quality impact assessment for proposed increased railcar shipments from Pabco Gypsum Plant. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Freeman, D., Egami, R. T. (1993). Analysis of Coastal Chem’s air impact during startup. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Freeman, D., Egami, R. T. (1993). Quality assurance plan for Silver Lake cogeneration project. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Egami, R. T., Bowen, J. L., Chow, J. C., Watson, J. G., Schmidt, S., Jones, G. (1992). Program plan for Naval Weapons Center Visibility Impact (VIS) Study, summer 1990

Chow, J. C., Egami, R. T. (1992). Evaluation of the Vaal Air Characterization Study. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Egami, R. T., Chow, J. C. (1992). Systems and performance audits of the Vaal Air Characterization Study. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Watson, J. G., Chow, J. C., Egami, R. T., Bowen, J. L., Frazier, C., Gertler, A. W., Lowenthal, D. H., Fung, K. (1991). Measurements of dry deposition parameters for the California Acid Deposition Monitoring Program

Bowen, J. L., Watson, J. G., Chow, J. C., Egami, R. T., Frazier, C., Gertler, A. W. (1990). Field operations manual for the California Acid Deposition Monitoring Program: Meteorology, ozone, and dry deposition

Chow, J. C., Egami, R. T., Watson, J. G., DeLong, T. (1990). Applying the air quality source apportionments to geothermal power plant emissions, Geothermal Resources Council Bulletin, 19 (8), 208-213

Chow, J. C., Watson, J. G., Egami, R. T., Frazier, C., Lu, Z., Goodrich, A., Bird, A. (1990). Evaluation of regenerative-air vacuum street sweeping on geological contributions to PM 10, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 40 (8), 1134-1142

Egami, R. T., Chow, J. C., Watson, J. G., de Long, T. (1990). PM 10 source apportionment study in Pleasant Valley, NevadaChapter : . In , Transactions, 1990 International Symposium on Geothermal Energy, 1115-1120. Geothermal Resources Council: Davis, CA

Watson, J. G., Chow, J. C., Egami, R. T., Bowen, J. L., Frazier, C., Gertler, A. W., Fung, K. (1990). Program plan for the California Dry Deposition Monitoring Program

Egami, R. T., DeWitt, D., Cristani, B. G., Schmidt, S., Jones, G., Bowen, J. L. (1990). Final meteorological data report for the Clark Station for the period August 1989 through October 1990. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Zielinska, B. K., Egami, R. T. (1990). A sampling and analysis for hexachlorocyclohexane isomers at the Stauffer/BMI site. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Chow, J. C., Watson, J. G., Egami, R. T., Frazier, C., Lu, Z. (1989). The State of Nevada Air Pollution Study (SNAPS): Executive summary

Freeman, D., Chow, J. C., Egami, R. T., Watson, J. G. (1989). Description and applications of a receptor and dispersion modeling software packageChapter : . In , Proceedings, 8th World Clean Air Congress: Man and His Ecosystem, 295-295. Elsevier: The Hague, Netherlands

Watson, J. G., Bowen, J. L., Chow, J. C., Egami, R. T., Gertler, A. W., Coulombe, W., Frazier, C. (1989). Field operations manual for the California Acid Deposition Monitoring Program: Meteorology, ozone, and dry deposition

Watson, J. G., Bowen, J. L., Chow, J. C., Egami, R. T., Gertler, A. W., Fung, K. (1989). Revised Program Plan for California Acid Deposition Monitoring Program

Watson, J. G., Bowen, J. L., Chow, J. C., Rogers, C. F., Ruby, M., Rood, M., Egami, R. T. (1989). High volume measurement of size classified suspended particulate matterChapter : . In , Methods of Air Sampling and Analysis, 427-439

Egami, R. T., Chow, J. C., Pritchett, L. C., Schmidt, S. (1989). Ambient PM 10 Sampling Study at Pleasant Valley, Nevada during January 13 through March 14, 1989. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Freeman, D., Egami, R. T. (1989). Modeling of particulate emissions for a proposed coal loadout facility near Wellington, Utah. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Chow, J. C., Frazier, C., Watson, J. G., Egami, R. T. (1988). PM 10 source apportionment in Reno and Sparks, Nevada for state implementation plan development, Volume II: Data

Chow, J. C., Watson, J. G., Egami, R. T., Frazier, C., Goodrich, A., Ralph, C. (1988). PM 10 source apportionment in Reno and Sparks, Nevada for state implementation plan development: Chemical mass balance results

Chow, J. C., Watson, J. G., Lu, Z., Egami, R. T. (1988). PM 10 source apportionment study in Pleasant Valley, Nevada

Watson, J. G., Chow, J. C., Egami, R. T., Frazier, C., Goodrich, A., Ralph, C. (1988). PM 10 source apportionment in the Truckee Meadows, Nevada for state implementation plan development, Volume I: Modeling methods and results

Coulombe, W., Egami, R. T., Bowen, J. L. (1988). Ambient air monitoring program quality assurance plan. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Freeman, D., Egami, R. T. (1988). RTDM dispersion modeling at Mohave Generating Station. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Chow, J. C., Egami, R. T., Frazier, C., Watson, J. G., Bowen, J. L. (1987). Chemical characterization of 1985 total suspended particulate matter samples at Bullhead City, Arizona

Freeman, D., Robinson, N. F., Watson, J. G., Chow, J. C., Egami, R. T. (1987). Level I PM 10 assessment package user’s guide

Freeman, D., Watson, J. G., Robinson, N. F., Chow, J. C., Egami, R. T. (1987). Uncertainty reduction through use of combined source-receptor models in an PM 10 assessment package

Watson, J. G., Chow, J. C., Freeman, D., Egami, R. T., Roberts, P., Countess, R. (1987). Model and data base description for California’s Level 1 PM 10 assessment package

Freeman, D., Egami, R. T. (1987). Air quality screening assessment for waste disposal at Hi- Shear’s Sparks plant. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Freeman, D., Egami, R. T. (1987). Description of COMPLEX I dispersion model and application to Mohave Generating Station. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Freeman, D., Egami, R. T. (1987). Dispersion modeling at Mohave Generating Station. Draft report. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Freeman, D., Egami, R. T., Robinson, N. F., Watson, J. G. (1986). A method for propagating measurement uncertainties through dispersion models, Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association, 36 (3), 246-253

Chow, J. C., Watson, J. G., Egami, R. T., Wright, B., Ralph, C., Naylor, M., Smith, J., Serdoz, R., Shifley, L. (1986). Program plan for the State of Nevada Air Pollution Study (SNAPS)

Chow, J. C., Gertler, A. W., Egami, R. T. (1986). Program plan to evaluate the effectiveness of street sweeping to reduce ambient particulate loadings. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Egami, R. T. (1986). Air quality impact assessment to relocate an asphalt concrete facility. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Egami, R. T. (1986). Ambient hydrogen sulfide and meteorological monitoring for the ORMAT/GDA Steamboat Springs Geothermal Project. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Egami, R. T. (1986). Baseline monitoring program for Fishlake Valley Geothermal Project. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Egami, R. T. (1986). Particulate and meteorological monitoring of Sleeper Project. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Freeman, D., Egami, R. T. (1986). Air quality impact of cooling towers at a 50 MW geothermal electric generation plant in Dixie Valley. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Freeman, D., Egami, R. T. (1986). Air quality impact of stack emissions from a roasting operation at Cortez Gold Mine. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Freeman, D., Egami, R. T. (1986). Background TSP monitoring at the Gold Bar site. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Freeman, D., Egami, R. T. (1986). Modeling of particulate emissions from a proposed gypsum plant Near Las Vegas, NV. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Freeman, D., Egami, R. T. (1986). Particulate and meteorological monitoring at Buckhorn Mine, June 1985 – June 1986. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Freeman, D., Egami, R. T. (1986). Particulate and meteorological monitoring at Carlin Gold Quarry. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Freeman, D., Egami, R. T. (1986). Screening assessment for the impact on ambient air quality at the McDermitt Mine. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Freeman, D., Egami, R. T. (1986). TSP monitoring at Smoky Valley common operation, April – October, 1986. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Freeman, D., Egami, R. T. (1986). Wind energy resource assessment for Clark County, NV. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Watson, J. G., Freeman, D., Robinson, N. F., Egami, R. T. (1985). Error propagation methodology applied to experimental dataChapter : . In , Proceedings, DOE-AMS Air Pollution Model Evaluation Workshop. American Meteorological Society: Boston, MA

Egami, R. T. (1985). Environmental compliance and audit program. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Egami, R. T., Freeman, D. (1985). 1984 Clark Station Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Egami, R. T., Freeman, D. (1985). 1984 Reid Gardner Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Freeman, D., Egami, R. T. (1985). Screening analysis for Dairy Air Quality (DAQ) site relocation Reid Gardner. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Egami, R. T., Freeman, D. (1984). Donnelley data report. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Egami, R. T., Freeman, D. (1984). 1983 Clark Station Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Egami, R. T., Freeman, D. (1984). 1983 Reid Gardner Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Freeman, D., Egami, R. T. (1984). Air quality modeling analysis for Dixie Valley Geothermal Facility. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Freeman, D., Robinson, N. F., Watson, J. G., Egami, R. T. (1984). Propagation of measurement uncertainties in Gaussian plume models: An application to experimental data, 36-39. American Meteorological Society: Boston, MA

Cochran, G. F., Davis, J., Egami, R. T., Fordham, J., Smith, S. (1984). Environmental Assessment: Field Exploration (Phase B), Fallon Naval Air Station Geothermal Development Program, Fallon, Nevada, 36, DRI Report No. 44023

Bowen, J. L., Egami, R. T. (1983). Annotated bibliography for atmospheric overview for the Nevada nuclear waste storage investigations, Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Bowen, J. L., Egami, R. T. (1983). Atmospheric overview for the Nevada nuclear waste storage investigations, Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Bowen, J. L., Egami, R. T. (1983). Nevada nuclear waste storage investigations site characterization activities: Atmospheric aspects for environmental assessment of the exploratory shaft. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Bowen, J. L., Egami, R. T. (1983). Total suspended particulate matter assessment for the Buckhorn Mine. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Bowen, J. L., Egami, R. T. (1983). Nevada nuclear waste storage investigations site characterization activities: Preliminary atmospheric assessment of a nuclear waste repository. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Church, H., Freeman, D., Boro, K., Egami, R. T. (1983). Meteorological tower data for the Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations (NNWSI): Quarterly Report. Sandia National Laboratories: Albuquerque, NM

Egami, R. T., Freeman, D. (1983). 1982 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program, Clark Station. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Egami, R. T., Freeman, D. (1983). 1982 Reid Gardner Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Freeman, D., Egami, R. T., Robinson, N. F., Watson, J. G. (1983). A methodology for propagating measurement uncertainties through dispersion models. Air & Waste Management Association: Pittsburgh, PA

Egami, R. T. (1982). Air quality impact analysis during the Reid Gardner upset periods in January and February 1982. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Egami, R. T., Freeman, D. (1982). 1981 Reid Gardner Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Program. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Egami, R. T., Freeman, D. (1982). 1981 Ambient air quality monitoring program, Clark Station Unit # 8. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Bowen, J. L., Egami, R. T. (1981). Screening procedures applied to Las Vegas Portland Cement Company, Las Vegas, NV. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Egami, R. T. (1981). Air quality analysis for the proposed Stibnite Project. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Egami, R. T. (1981). Air quality assessment for Reid Gardner Unit #4, January 1 – December 31, 1980. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Egami, R. T. (1981). Air quality and meteorological observations taken near the Las Vegas stadium in November and December 1980. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Egami, R. T., Hudson, J. G. (1981). Aerosol measurements at the southeast Las Vegas valley during November and December 1980. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Egami, R. T., Hudson, J. G. (1981). Analysis of marine fog and boundary layer aerosol data. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Egami, R. T. (1980). An environmental overview of geothermal development in northern Nevada: Air quality. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Egami, R. T. (1979). Air quality assessment for Reid Gardner Unit #4, Data Appendix, Period: May 1978 through February 1979. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Egami, R. T. (1979). Screening procedures applied to gas turbine electrical generators, Clark Station Unit #8. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Egami, R. T. (1979). Air quality assessment for Reid Gardner Unit # 4. Desert Research Institute: Reno, NV

Egami, R. T. (1979). Air quality and meteorological analysis for Reid Gardner Unit #4

Egami, R. T., Olsson, L., Tuft, W., Elliot, W., McCormick, M., Melfin, S. (1972). Observational study of the haze (mixing) layer in western Oregon using laser radars, instrumented aircraft and meteorological balloons

Egami, R. T., Elliot, W., Rossknect, G. (1971). The study of the natural ventilation of the Columbia-Willamette Valleys. II. Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University: Corvallis, OR

Egami, R. T. (1968). Oregon coast precipitation characteristics

Egami, R. T. (1967). Precipitation-rate characteristics and condensation nuclei concentrations on the Oregon coast

Conference Proceedings
Chow, J. C., Watson, J. G., DuBois, D. W., Green, M. C., Lowenthal, D. H., Kohl, S. D., Egami, R. T., Gillies, J. A., Rogers, C. F., Frazier, C., Cates, W. (1998). Middle- and neighborhood-scale variations of PM 10 source contributions in Las Vegas, Nevada, 443-460. Proceedings, Health Effects of Particulate Matter in Ambient Air

Chow, J. C., Pritchett, L. C., Watson, J. G., Frazier, C., Egami, R. T. (1991). A multiple port resuspension chamber for fugitive dust characterization

Egami, R. T., Gertler, A. W., Chow, J. C., Watson, J. G., Purcell, R. G., Bowen, J. L. (1991). A medium-volume sampler for use in source apportionment studies. Proceedings, 84th Annual Meeting of the Air & Waste Management Association, Paper 91-55.1.