CEFA Operations and Forecast Facility

Lab Description

The Climate Ecosystem Fire Applications (CEFA) program utilizes a modern computing laboratory for data analysis and scientific visualization supporting the applications products that are routinely produced for wildland fire management agencies. Primary operational and research computing is done on an HPE Apollo 2000 high-performance computing system (576 Intel Xeon Gold 6126 compute cores with 2112 GB RAM memory, 45 TB raw disk space, and Mellanox EDR InfiniBand 100 Gb/s interconnect and over 500 terabytes of disk storage). Some operational products are also produced on Dell PowerEdge Servers. Apple iMacs and MacBook Pros provide desktop capabilities to CEFA personnel. A variety of programming, visualization and statistical software packages are used in the applications development.


Tim Brown, Ph.D.


Desert Research Institute
2215 Raggio Parkway
Reno, NV 89512


Atmospheric Sciences