Come learn about the energy cycle, recycling technologies, and more! You're invited to Family Science Night at the Discovery! Attend this Free event at the Discovery Museum! Bring your family and friends! - Join EDAWN and visit the new Energy exhibit. - Learn about...
FIRST Seeking Northern Nevada Volunteers
Volunteer with FIRST Nevada! Get involved with the local competative robotics scene and share the joy of robotics education with local students - no experience necessary!Upcoming Volunteer OpportunitiesFIRST Tech Challenge League Tournament Date: Friday, February...
Nevada Robotics Partners with UNR’s Innevation Center for K-12 Outreach Programming.
Nevada Robotics is to join UNR's Innevation Center to develop K-12 robotics education programming. The Southside Studio has become home to the Innevation Center's new robotics education and competition team hub to support and strenghten the pathways to degrees and...