I perform data modeling and provide Data Science/Natural Catastrophe (floods and wildfires) research and consulting for government partners, among others. Please contact our team at the Desert Research Institute, Division of Hydrologic Sciences for more information.
Expertise: statistical modeling, machine learning, risk analysis, hydrologic modeling, remote sensing. Current applications: natural catastrophes (floods, wildfires), drought modeling, climate variability, hydraulic engineering. Tools: Python, R, SQL, TensorFlow, Amazon Web Services (AWS), ArcGIS, HEC-HMS.
Professional preparation
BS, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands, Earth Sciences
MS, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands, Earth Sciences
PhD, Montpellier SupAgro, Montpellier, France, Continental Hydrology and Society
Highlight: Hallema, D. W., Sun, G., Caldwell, P. V., Norman, S. P., Cohen, E. C., Liu, Y., Bladon, K. D. & McNulty, S. G. (2018). Burned forests impact water supplies. Nature Communications 9: 1307.https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-03735-6
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Robinne, F.-N., Paquette, C., Hallema, D. W., Bladon, K. D., Parisien, M.-A. (2022). Baseline geographic information on wildfire-watershed risk in Canada: needs, gaps, and opportunities. Canadian Water Resources Journal.https://doi.org/10.1080/07011784.2022.2032367
Robinne, F. N., Hallema, D. W., Bladon, K. D., Flannigan, M. D., Boisrame, G., Brthaut, C. M., Doerr, S. H., Di Baldassarre, G., Gallagher, L. A., Hohner, A. K., Khan, S. J., Kinoshita, A. M., Mordecai, R., Nunes, J. P., Nyman, P., Santn, C., Sheridan, G., Stoof, C. R., Thompson, M. P., Waddington, J. M. & Wei, Y. (2021). Scientists warning on extreme wildfire risks to water supply. Hydrological Processes, 35:e14086.https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.14086
Hallema, D. W., Robinne, F.-N. & McNulty, S. G. (2020). Pandemic spotlight on urban water quality. Ecological Processes 9: 22.https://doi.org/10.1186/s13717-020-00231-y
Robinne, F.-N., Hallema, D. W., Bladon, K. D. & Buttle, J. M. (2020). Wildfire impacts on hydrologic ecosystem services in North American high-latitude forests: A scoping review. Journal of Hydrology 581, 124360.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124360
Hallema, D. W., Kinoshita, A. M., Martin, D. A., Robinne, F.-N., Galleguillos, M., McNulty, S. G., Sun, G., Singh, K. K., Mordecai, R. S. & Moore, P. F. (2019). Fire, forests and city water supply. Unasylva 251(70): 58-66. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).http://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/ca6842en
Yu, Z., Sun, G., Cai, T., Hallema, D. W. & Duan, L. (2019). Water yield responses to gradual changes in forest structure and species composition in a subboreal watershed in Northeastern China. Forests 10(3), 211.https://doi.org/10.3390/f10030211
Liu, X., Sun, G., Mitra, B., Noormets, A., Gavazzi, M. J., Domec, J.-C., Hallema, D. W., Li, J., Fang, Y., King, J. S. & McNulty, S. G. (2018). Drought and thinning have limited impacts on evapotranspiration in a managed pine plantation on the southeastern United States coastal plain. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 262: 14-23.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2018.06.025
Hallema, D. W., Robinne, F.-N., & Bladon, K. D. (2018). Reframing the challenge of global wildfire threats to water supplies. Earths Future 6(6): 772-776.https://doi.org/10.1029/2018EF000867
Hallema, D. W., Sun, G., Caldwell, P. V., Norman, S. P., Cohen, E. C., Liu, Y., Bladon, K. D. & McNulty, S. G. (2018). Burned forests impact water supplies. Nature Communications 9: 1307.https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-03735-6
Sun, G., Hallema, D. W. & Asbjornsen, H. (2018). Preface for the article collection Ecohydrological processes and ecosystem services. Ecological Processes 7:8.https://doi.org/10.1186/s13717-018-0120-1
Sun, G., Hallema, D. W. & Asbjornsen, H. (2017). Ecohydrological processes and ecosystem services in the Anthropocene: A review. Ecological Processes 6:35.https://doi.org/10.1186/s13717-017-0104-6
Hallema, D. W., Sun, G., Bladon, K. D., Norman, S. P., Caldwell, P. V., Liu, Y. & McNulty, S. G. (2017). Regional patterns of post-wildfire streamflow response in the Western United States: The importance of scale-specific connectivity. Hydrological Processes 31(14): 2582-2598.https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.11208
Hallema, D. W., Sun, G., Caldwell, P. V., Norman, S. P., Cohen, E. C., Liu, Y., Ward, E. J. & McNulty, S. G. (2017). Assessment of wildland fire impacts on watershed annual water yield: Analytical framework and case studies in the United States. Ecohydrology 10(2), e1794.https://doi.org/10.1002/eco.1794
Hallema, D. W., Moussa, R., Sun, G. & McNulty, S. G. (2016). Surface storm flow prediction on hillslopes based on topography and hydrologic connectivity. Ecological Processes 5:13.https://doi.org/10.1186/s13717-016-0057-1
Hould-Gosselin, G., Rousseau, A. N., Gumiere, S. J., Hallema, D. W., Fortin, C. R., Thriault, G. & Van Bochove, E. (2016). Modeling the sediment yield and the impact of vegetated filters using an event-based soil erosion model: A case study of a small Canadian watershed. Hydrological Processes 30: 2835-2850.https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.10817
Hallema, D. W., Lafond, J. A., Priard, Y., Gumiere, S. J., Sun, G. & Caron, J. (2015). Long-term effects of peatland cultivation on soil physical and hydraulic properties: Case study in Canada. Vadose Zone Journal 14(6).https://doi.org/10.2136/vzj2014.10.0147
Hallema, D. W., Priard, Y., Lafond, J. A., Gumiere, S. J. & Caron, J. (2015). Characterization of water retention curves for cultivated Histosols. Vadose Zone Journal 14(6).https://doi.org/10.2136/vzj2014.10.0148
Lafond, J. A., Gumiere, S. J., Hallema, D. W., Caron, J., Priard, Y. & Jutras, S. (2015). Spatial distribution patterns of soil water availability as a tool for precision irrigation management of Histosols: Characterization and spatial interpolation. Vadose Zone Journal 14(6).https://doi.org/10.2136/vzj2014.10.0140
Gumiere, S. J., Lafond, J. A., Hallema, D. W., Priard, Y., Caron, J. & Gallichand, J. (2014). Mapping soil hydraulic conductivity and matric potential for water management of cranberry: Characterisation and spatial interpolation methods. Biosystems Engineering 128: 29-40.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2014.09.002
Hallema, D. W., Rousseau, A. N., Gumiere, S. J., Priard, Y., Hiemstra, P. H., Bouttier, L., Fossey, M., Paquette, A., Cogliastro, A. & Olivier, A. (2014). Framework for studying the hydrological impact of climate change in an alley cropping system. Journal of Hydrology 517: 547-556.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.05.065
Hallema, D. W. & Moussa, R. (2014). A model for distributed GIUH based flow routing on natural and anthropogenic hillslopes. Hydrological Processes 28(18): 4877-4895.https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.9984
Gumiere, S. J., Rousseau, A. N., Hallema, D. W. & Isabelle, P. E. (2013). Development of VFDM: a riparian vegetated filter dimensioning model for agricultural watersheds. Canadian Water Resources Journal 38(3): 169-184.https://doi.org/10.1080/07011784.2013.830372
Rousseau, A. N., Savary, S., Hallema, D. W., Gumiere, S. J. & Foulon, E. (2013). Modeling the effects of agricultural BMPs on sediments, nutrients, and water quality of the Beaurivage River watershed (Quebec, Canada). Canadian Water Resources Journal 38(2): 99-120.https://doi.org/10.1080/07011784.2013.780792
Hallema, D. W., Moussa, R., Andrieux, P. & Voltz, M. (2013). Parameterization and multi-criteria calibration of a distributed storm flow model applied to a Mediterranean agricultural catchment. Hydrological Processes 27(10): 1379-1398.https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.9268
Peer-Reviewed Technical Reports
Hallema, D. W., Sun, G., Caldwell, P. V., Robinne, F.-N., Bladon, K. D., Norman, S. P., Liu, Y., Cohen, E. C. & McNulty, S. G. (2019). Wildland fire impacts on water yield across the Contiguous United States. U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Southern Research Station, Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-238, Asheville, North Carolina, 109 p. https://www.fs.usda.gov/treesearch/pubs/58095
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
Hallema, D. W., Sun, G., Caldwell, P. V., Norman, S. P., Cohen, E. C., Liu, Y. & McNulty, S. G. (2016). Relationships between wildland fire and watershed hydrology across the contiguous United States. In Stringer, C. E., Krauss, K. W. & Latimer, J. S. (Eds.), Headwaters to estuaries: Advances in watershed science and management. 5th Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds, North Charleston, South Carolina, March 2-5, 2015. U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Southern Research Station, Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-211, Asheville, North Carolina (p. 103). https://www.fs.usda.gov/treesearch/pubs/50892
Conference Proceedings
Olivier, A., Paquette, A., Cogliastro, A., Rousseau, A., Messier, C., Revret, J.-P., Rivest, D., Gumiere, S. J., Hallema, D. W., Alam, M., Domenicano, S., Dupras, J., Bouttier, L., Doblas-Miranda, E. & Gagnon, L.-M. (2015). Contribution de systmes agroforestiers intercalaires ladaptation aux changements climatiques des agrocosystmes (Contribution of tree-based intercropping to climate adaptation of agroecosystems). In Proceedings of the 14th World Forestry Congress. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Durban, South Africa, September 7-11, 2015 (7 p).
Priard, Y., Gumiere, S. J., Rousseau, A. N., Hallema D. W. & Caron, J. (2015). Predicting soil hydraulic properties from tomodensitometric analysis and particle size distribution. In B. Long (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures. International Association of Computed Tomography, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Quebec City, Canada, June 29-July 3, 2015 (pp. 632-636). http://espace.inrs.ca/id/eprint/6599
Hallema, D. W., Priard, Y., Lafond, J. A., Gumiere, S. J. & Caron, J. (2014). Detection of drainage failure in reconstructed cranberry soils using time series analysis. In T. M. Shaver (Ed.), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Precision Agriculture. International Society of Precision Agriculture, Sacramento, California, July 20-23, 2014 (15 p.). https://www.ispag.org/proceedings/?action=download&item=1505
Technical Reports
Hallema, D. W. & OConnor, C. D. Optimization of a gradient boosting model for predicting potential fire control locations (Technical Report). North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, 12 p. https://github.com/dwhallema/gradient-boosting-wildfires-2021/blob/master/Hallema%202021%20PCL%20Sensitivity%20Report.pdf
Sun, G., Hallema, D. W., Cohen, E. C., McNulty, S. G., Caldwell, P. V., Robinne, F.-N., Norman, S. P. & Liu, Y. (2019). Effects of wildfires and fuel treatment strategies on watershed water quantity across the Contiguous United States (Final Report 14-1-06-18). Joint Fire Science Program, USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, 148 p. https://www.firescience.gov/projects/14-1-06-18/project/14-1-06-18_final_report.pdf
Olivier, A., Paquette, A., Cogliastro, A., Rousseau, A., Messier, C., Revret, J.-P., Rivest, D., Gumiere, S. J., Hallema, D. W., Hould-Gosselin, G., Alam, M., Domenicano, S., Dupras, J., Bouttier, L., Doblas-Miranda, E. & Gagnon, L.-M. (2013). Contribution de systmes agroforestiers intercalaires ladaptation aux changements climatiques des agrocosystmes (Contribution of tree-based intercropping to climate adaptation of agroecosystems) (Final Report 550412-111). Universit Laval, Quebec City, Canada, 36 p. https://www.ouranos.ca/publication-scientifique/RapportOlivier2013_FR.pdf
Rousseau, A. N., Hallema, D. W., Gumiere, S. J., Hould-Gosselin, G. & Ratt-Fortin, C. (2013). The influence of alley cropping systems on soil water dynamics and soil erosion in a changing climate (Report R-1441). Centre Eau Terre Environnement, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Quebec City, Canada, 89 p. http://espace.inrs.ca/2776/1/R001441.pdf
Hallema, D. W., Rousseau, A. N., Paquette, A. & Gumiere, S. J. (2013). The effects of Hurricane Sandy measured in the Laurentian foothills of Quebec (Canada) with a mobile weather station (Report R-1349). Centre Eau Terre Environnement. Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Quebec City, Canada, 13 p. http://espace.inrs.ca/id/eprint/1663
Rousseau, A. N., Hallema, D. W., Gumiere, S. J., Carrer, G. & Fossey, M. (2012). The influence of alley cropping systems on soil water dynamics and soil erosion in a changing climate (Report R-1334). Centre Eau Terre Environnement. Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Quebec City, Canada, 45 p. http://espace.inrs.ca/id/eprint/1200
Robinne, F.-N., Hallema, D. W. & Bladon, K. D. (2020). Buried in mud: Wildfires threaten North American water supplies. The Conversation, Boston, Massachusetts, 2/11/2020. https://theconversation.com/buried-in-mud-wildfires-threaten-north-american-water-supplies-130356
Robinne, F.-N., Hallema, D. W. & Bladon, K. D. (2020). Aprs les incendies, le casse-tte de la pollution des eaux (Original title: Buried in mud: Wildfires threaten North American water supplies). The Conversation France, Paris, France, 2/23/2020. https://theconversation.com/apres-les-incendies-le-casse-tete-de-la-pollution-des-eaux-132046
Hallema, D. W., Kinoshita, A. M., Martin, D. A., Robinne, F.-N., Galleguillos, M., McNulty, S. G., Sun, G., Singh, K. K., Mordecai, R. S. & Moore, P. F. (2019). Incendios, bosques y suministro de agua en ciudades (Original title: Fire, forests and city water supply). Unasylva 251(70): 63-73. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). http://www.fao.org/publications/card/en/c/CA6842ES
Hallema, D. W., Kinoshita, A. M., Martin, D. A., Robinne, F.-N., Galleguillos, M., McNulty, S. G., Sun, G., Singh, K. K., Mordecai, R. S. & Moore, P. F. (2019). Les feux, les forts et lapprovisionnement des villes en eau (Original title: Fire, forests and city water supply). Unasylva 251(70): 63-73. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). http://www.fao.org/publications/card/en/c/CA6842FR
Web-Based Publications
Hallema, D. W. (2019). Strategic forest and wildland fire management is necessary to safeguard urban water supplies. Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Raleigh, North Carolina, 9/23/2019. https://secassoutheast.org/2019/09/23/Strategic-forest-and-wildland-fire-management-is-necessary-to-safeguard-urban-water-supplies.html
Hallema, D. W. (2019). Strategic forest and wildland fire management is necessary to safeguard urban water supplies. South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Raleigh, North Carolina, 9/3/2019. https://www.southatlanticlcc.org/2019/09/03/strategic-forest-and-wildland-fire-management-is-necessary-to-safeguard-urban-water-supplies/
Hallema, D. W. & Worley-Firley, S. (2016). Water planning for the South in the new fire age. CompassLive, USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station, Asheville, North Carolina, 6/7/2016. https://www.srs.fs.usda.gov/compass/2016/06/07/water-planning-for-the-south-in-the-new-fire-age
Hallema, D. W. (2015). Do wildfires affect water supplies? USDA Southeast Regional Climate Hub Weblog, USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station, Raleigh, North Carolina, 4/28/2015.
Synergistic Activities
Awards and honors
- Travel Award, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China(2018)
- Commendable Achievement, Directors Choice. USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station(2018)
- Research Award, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education(2014-2018)
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, Laval University, Canada(2013-2014)
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, National Institute of Scientific Research, Canada(2011-2013)
- Graduate Research Fellowship (Allocation de recherche), Ministry of Higher Education and Research, France (2008-2011)
Innovative science and technology
- Lead Author and co-Principal Investigator (1 of 3), Predicting wildland fire behavior and water supply in fire-affected landscapes, $195,000, USDA Forest Service Cost Share Agreement with North Carolina State University. 2019-2021.
- Lead Author and co-Principal Investigator (1 of 7), Machine learning for predictive fire planning and fire operations management, $140,000, USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station In-Service Agreement with USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station. 2019-2021.
- Lead Author and co-Principal Investigator (1 of 3), Assessment of the impacts of prescribed burning and forest restoration of longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) ecosystems on water supply in the southeastern United States, $150,000, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Interagency Agreement with USDA Forest Service. 2018-2020.
- Code and data sharing:https://github.com/dwhallema
Professional service
- Associate Editor, Journal of the American Water Resources Association (2020-)
- Associate Editor, Ecological Processes (2018-)
- Reviewer, for 20+ scientific journals including Science
- Ad hoc Proposal Reviewer, National Science Foundation.
- Committee Member, Outstanding Student Presentation Award. AGU Fall Meeting (2018)
Continental Hydrology, Natural Catastrophes, Floods, Water Quality, Erosion, Wildfire, Fire Ecology, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence